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"Have you seen Kiu till now?" I ask Adi as we both finish our council members duties. Kia has not come on the bus. And I am getting worried because I had not talked to her or seen her after yesterday's afternoon. And I know if she has planned about not coming to school, she would've informed Adi or me about it.

"Nope, I think she will not come to school today. Maybe she is late or," Adi trails off, not knowing what to say, "she has told you about not coming today last night?"

"Nah, we have not called yesterday night. I have pinged her, but I think she was already asleep because she was feeling off yesterday when we met," I say, remembering she was not herself yesterday afternoon.

"Oh," Adi nods, "We will tell Sara to ask Sneha Ma'am in the recess if she has gotten a call from her home about her or not."

I nod, "That seems like a good idea."

"Now, come. And, Jay, try to focus on the class, ok? We will go to her house after school, ok?" he said, and I nod at him.

"Boys, get to the class," we hear our PE sir and quickly move to the class before he sees us.

The lecture went by, and soon, it is lunchtime, and we have sent Sara to ask Ma'am about Kiu.

Though I have focused on all the lectures, my mood is already sour. And Adi very well knows that because he didn't try to tease me.

"Want to eat a sandwich?" he asks, holding half piece in front of me.

"Nah," I say, shaking my head.



"Eat! Now!" he says, making me groan, but I take the sandwich nonetheless.

I see Sara and Adi coming towards us and sit up straight.

"Ma'am said that Uncle had called at school. She has a high fever from the night, so she was not able to come."

"Oh," I nod, "Yaar, she is having a high fever when I thought she had fallen asleep." God, I should have called her instead of pinging her.

"Any sane person would think the same, Jay," Adi says, "and don't worry, we will go to her house after school, ok?"

I nod and eat the sandwich, unwillingly, when he glares at me.

"Hey guys, do you know why Kia didn't come today?" Rudra asks Adi and me when he, Misha and Avni sits with us.

"She is sick, that's why," Adi reply, giving me a side glance.

"Oh, poor her, I will visit her today," Rudra says, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh, aren't you asking too much about Kiara?" Avni winks playfully at Rudra while he rubs his neck with a shy smile. God, this guy is not getting on my nerves. Can't he not do that in front of me? And Avni is encouraging him. But they both don't know about us. Though we trust Avni, we have not told her about Kiu's and mine's thing at Adi's suggestion. So, Misha, Rudra and Avni are still unaware of what is happening between Kiu and me.

But I don't know if it is ok to call them stupid because they have still not cracked it. After all, even Ria, Kunal and Dhruv had cracked them as they say, 'the way you both look at each other gave you away.'

"Hey, Jay, I have bought your fav noodles," Avni says, passing her tiffin to the middle.

"Favourite?" Adi smiles at me, teasingly, or should I say, he gives me his famous evil smile, "his favourite is now Chaat." Eating the Chaat more than ten times a month had made it my favourite dish. I am missing Kiu right now. She would have blushed at that, and at this moment, her glowing cheeks would've looked so amazing.

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