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"It was such an easy catch. But, no Hardik will easily take the hard catch but will drop the easy catches," Adi says, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Yes!!!" Jay, Adi and I exclaim when finally Smith got out. And it proves Adi's observation of Hardik only taking Hard catches with such ease.

Jhanvi Aunty and Mom looks at us from the kitchen after hearing our shouts.

"What happened?" Jhanvi Aunty shouts from the kitchen.

"Nothing mom, Smith got out."


In India, I think Cricket is the only sport that almost every other Indian watches and follows with passion.

Though there are other sports too which many people follow in India like Football, hockey, badminton but till now they haven't reached the popularity cricket has gained. Slowly Football is also gaining popularity credits goes to Youth.

Even, the cricketers are sometimes more popular than an actor or actress. Ask any Indian about Sachin or Dhoni, and see yourself sitting for hours hearing about them.

I come out of my thoughts when Jay stands and goes to the kitchen to fetch a water bottle.

I look as he enters and talks with our mothers. They both laugh when he says something.

He then goes towards the refrigerator and takes out one water bottle. Some strands fall on his forehead, irritating his eyes.

He runs his hand through the hair, making them like before just slightly messy.

He said something to my mother to which she laughs while replying and pats his back. Well, I was not expecting this, when did they bond?

Mumma turns and gives a bowl to Jay, which I think contains Popcorn.

He takes it and continues his talk with our mothers.

His hair gets messier as he runs his hand over it, which had once again fallen on his forehead. He leans against the refrigerator and takes a sip of water while still listening to our mothers.

You can see his eyes lightening up from here too as he talks with them. The same way, it goes lightning around when he interacts with someone whom he likes and love.

His face always brightens when he smiles at something, genuinely from the heart. The same way, it goes brightening around when he is with all his friends.

He creases his eyebrows as he concentrates when one of our mothers asks him something. The same way, it goes creasing around when he is doing Account's sums.

"You know that, right? If you keep looking at him like that, you will look like a creep," I broke out of my trance when Adi whispers in my ear.

"What are you talking? And don't whisper on my ear," I tell him and look at the screen in front of me to found out that Warner got out.

"When did Warner got out?" I wonder aloud.

"When you are busy looking at your crush," Adi once again whispers so only I can listen.

I froze hearing his words and look at him, wide-eyed. Crush? Jay? My crush?

Adi looks at me, shocked, "Don't tell me, you never thought about it?"

Well, I know that I like being around Jay more, but now hearing someone say that aloud for the first time, I felt myself realizing this.

I knew that I am attracted to him by my behaviour which includes looking at him for slightly longer or staring at our photos before dozing off or thinking about him at the most unexpected time or feeling giddy while sitting beside him.

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