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You know the feeling when you feel that everything is ok even when it isn't just because you are with some people with whom you feel comfortable.

The same thing is applicable here. Jay, Adi and I are enjoying so much with each other from the moment we came home, though we would not admit it aloud to each other. But, we all know that the other is enjoying it too.

Recalling the moment we left from Misha's house, Sara was emotional, who wouldn't be? After all, we are talking about a friend who was your support from childhood, and suddenly, without giving any damn reason if that friend would start ignoring your existence then, of course, it would sting you in the heart.

Talking from experience, if it had stung me when my month old friend ditched me to sit with another one in the classroom then here, we are talking about a childhood friend. It hurts like hell.

And I can't even advise Sara to let her go because I very well know that it isn't easy at all. The emotional side of us holds on to that part so tight that we can't separate from it even when we want to.

I think part of the reason why we hold on to something so tight is that we fear something so great won't happen twice. That we won't find that type of friends again and also a fear of not having someone beside you when you want to let go of your emotions.

I come out of my thoughts when Jay defeats Adi, and now only we two are in the race.

I grip the remote in my hand hard, ready to speed up the car when Jay catches up.

"You and I both know that you will not win," Jay murmurs, his focus on his car which is now neck-to-neck to mine.

I scowl at him, "Oh, shut up, Jay-Jay."

Adi sits behind us on the bed and says, "You always defeat me Jay-Jay, so this time I am on Kia's side."

He smacks me upside the head, "And if you defeat Jay, I will buy you ice-cream tomorrow." That perks my interest.

"Really? Time and place?" I ask him, grinning while speeding the car.

"5'o'clock, near the park," he then turns towards Jay, "And if you will defeat Kia, then I will buy you Samosa-chaat."

"That is cheating," I frown and move my one hand behind to hit him.

"Whatever. I don't care," Adi waves his hand and motions me to keep the focus on the game, "that is the deal. Take it or leave it."

"Deal," Jay and I speak at the same time.

Jay and I speed up our cars more, but when we are close, like only 100 metres away from the final point when Adi speaks, "Ahh, I forgot to tell you guys, whoever wins will pay."

"You didn't tell that before," Jay and I leave the control so fast making both of our cars, crash.

"Do I look like I care?" Adi says as he leans into the bed with his arms over his head.

We three look at the scoreboard to see the ranking. Adi is in the third position while there is 'first position' written in front of Jay and mine's name.

That means, the game tied between us.

And that also means, Jay and I are paying for both Ice-cream and Chaat.

Knowing it would not make any difference even when we quarrel with Adi, we both fall on either side of him.

I snuggle my face into the pillow, feeling lazy. And I blame these two boys for it, after spending too much time with them, I am getting too lazy.

Adi's phone rings making him groan as it is far away on the table, away from the comfortable bed.

He gets up eventually and sits at the chair while picking the phone up.

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