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You know the feeling when you know that you are so stupid and have done some shitty things, but you don't how to apologize to that person.

Currently, I am feeling the same.

I am so oblivious to Rudra's action. I thought that he was doing all that as a good friend.

I mean, friends do touch each other. But I didn't know he had feelings for me.

And looking at Avni sitting close to Jay, I was getting annoyed.

Even though we are staying as friends, I have feelings for him. And I don't want any girl to come and sit close to him with a different intention. I would be ok if Avni is only his friend, just like I don't care if Sara sits next to him or even Misha. But clearly, Avni here has feelings for him. And it is bothering me because she is getting too close to Jay.

And then I realized I am not behind too. I was also letting Rudra come close to me. I thought Rudra is coming close to me because he thinks I am a good friend to him. But of course, I have always been oblivious. He has feelings for me.

God, why I have to be such a tube light?

And I had made Jay down. Once again.

I look over at the scenery while standing at one of the corners with railings.

The line is still there to get the food, so I was waiting here while looking at the magnificent sunset.

"Kiu," I turn around and look at the most attractive familiar eyes I have ever seen.

I give a smile to Jay as he comes closer and stands next to me.

"Hey," I say and look at the sunset once again.

"What happened? Why are you looking so down?" He asks me, nudging my shoulder.


He stops me in the middle and says in a stern voice, "Kiu."

"Ok," I sigh and look at him, "I am sorry."

He looks at me for a few seconds, trying to process and then nods.

"You got it," he smiles at me, "no problem. It is not like we are something right now. You don't have to say sorry."

Ouch, it hurts. But it because of me only.

I smile sadly and look ahead once again at the scenery.

"Avni has feelings for you. You know that, right?" I say to him.

He sighs, "Yes. But I can't tell Avni to move away when she sits close to me in front of everyone."

I nod while he looks at me, smirking, "Are you jealous?"

Of course. I am.

I scoff, "Were you not jealous when Rudra tries to get close to me?"

Jay shakes his head, teasingly, "Why would I?"


"Liar," I say.

"I never deny that," he says, nudging his shoulder with mine making me smile.

We both stand in silence as the food line keeps getting decrease.

"Kiu," Jay calls me, making me look up at his face.

"Hmm?" I tense when I notice he is serious.

"I want to tell you one thing," I nod as a gesture to continue, "Even if we stay as friends, my feelings for you will not get less."

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