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You know the feeling when you're laughing so hard, and you try to stop, but you look at the person and laugh again.

That's what we three are feeling. Jay, me and Adi are telling our most embarrassing memories to each other while eating Maggi.

And believe me when I say that Adi is the king of having the most embarrassing moments. At least in three of us because I don't know about how much Aarav, Sara and Misha has.

Adi is telling me his third story while Jay and I are laughing, me laughing hard because it is my first time hearing while Jay had been there when it happened.

And the thing is, I would laugh hard then I would try to stop which goes successful to some extent and then when I would look at Adi and would start laughing again.

And looking at me, Jay and Adi also start laughing, and we would look like mental.

"Ok. Now stop. My stomach is paining," I tell both and move towards the kitchen to put the bowl in the sink.

"Yeah. Mine too," Jay agrees, and they both get up with their bowl and comes to the kitchen.

"What should we do now? It is still four," Adi says and looks at the clock.

"Want to watch an episode or two of that new series?" Jay asks us to which Adi nods.

"You are also staying, right?" Jay asks me, looking into my eyes.

There is no one at my home as Mumma is with Aunty and they will be back home at seven, and I don't want to be home alone, so I agree.

I am happy because I will get to spend more time with Jay. And Adi too.

Especially Jay. My mind mocks me to which I scowl and then ignoring, I walk to the two boys.

I was about to make it there, gracefully, but my leg collides with the sofa due to which I lost my balance, and I fall on the floor.

"Goodness Kia. You will get hurt one day if you keep falling like that," Jay helps me while Adi laughs.

"You seriously love the floor," Jay shakes his head with a smile.

I smile at him, and we both look at Adi, who is already walking towards the stairs. We both start following him and move towards Jay room.

Adi and Jay flop into the bed. Adi on one side, Jay in the middle which leaves me to take the other side.

We watch half episode of it and decide to talk only as the series have those sappy moments which we had already seen in many Indian movies and series.

Like what is the point if we have to see the same story just with a different name.

So, we three decides to relax on the bed and chat.

"Kia," Adi calls me with thoughtfulness.

"How did you feel when you have to leave the city and your friends when your father got transferred, and you have to come here?" He asks, sincerely and Jay also looks at me.

I shrug, "It was not that hard because I don't have any friends there other than the ones who just pretend to be my friend."

I tell them, acting as it doesn't bother me.

They both look at me intensely. I smile and try to change the subject but guess what, it was unsuccessful.

"It bothers you," Jay states to which Adi also agrees.

"Sometimes? Yes. But it is ok," I tell them truthfully.

Jay put his arms on my shoulder while Adi ruffles my hair, "Kia, I am not telling you to forget all this. I know it is impossible for you as it was part of your life, but I want to tell you one thing. Move ahead because I am here, Adi is here and so our friends and make new memories with us."

Adi also smiles, "I know you are trying, and we get so happy every time you feel comfortable around us."

I smile at both of them and whisper, "Thank You."

"There is no need, Kia. What are friends for."

Jay pulls Adi and Me towards him for side-hug as he relaxes on the headrest, and we both on his shoulder.

We three stay like that for some time, comfortable silence surrounding us.

I close my eyes, and smile, "You know what? I am so glad that my father got transferred here."

I feel both of them smile and Adi says, "Kia, one time Jay and I have gone to one of the malls..."

And with that, our laughs buzz around the room as Adi shares their moments with me.

I smile thinking how some people come to your life with whom you can joke around with and have so much fun, laugh so hard that your stomach hurts and then have a heartfelt conversation and it would not even feel weird.

I look at the two boys who have connected with me on a deeper level today. Someone had told the truth that 'a true friend is someone who understands you and shows you the right path and most importantly accepts you just the way you are'.

I come out of my thought when the doorbell rings. We three get up from the bed and move downstairs.

Jay opens the door and found his Mom and my Mumma.

They both had 5 6 shopping bags, and they both are looking all happy, grinning big. Jay and I look at each other and sigh. Moms.

Adi greets them, and we all move towards the living room.

"See what I brought for you, Jay," Aunty tells, holding a T-shirt in her hand.

Adi and I are trying to stop our laughter as we watch Jay's ears go red.

Jay glares at us but smiles evilly when my mother voice comes.

"Look Kia, I have brought a dress for you," Mumma holds a yellow dress.

Same goes to Jay as Aunty hold the other Jacket. We both groan making Adi laugh. We glare at him, and he shut his mouth but still had an amused expression.


Hello Guys!

Hope you guys are fine and healthy.

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Random Thought:-

Just because someone carries it well doesn't mean it isn't heavy.

See you tomorrow.

Stay Safe.
Stay Healthy.

Stay Healthy

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