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Honestly , I think I've been holding off on writing this , because I don't want to actually believe that you're gone. Since I'm high and haven't slept all night though. I figured , why not. I just simply haven't fully adjusted to the fact that I will no longer have you in my life. But hey , they say time heals everything right? Well let's just hope that's the case here. Cause even though I don't have an open wound. As my grandma said , "me duele mi corazon y mi alma". So I guess its just gone take time to accept it and continue on with Life , as I'm sure you'd want me to still strive at doing the best that I possibly can. I Love U pops. F.C. Ferman Curiel. A father , a brother , a son , a grandfather , an uncle. An amazing human being. I couldn't be more grateful as a grand"son" , too have had a "father" like U. Man , I just wish I knew that the last day we spoke , and seen each other , was the last day for good. All I heard was my grandma yelling at me through my kitchen window telling me that she needed help with carrying you to the restroom because you could no longer get up on your own two feet. More than anything , I was anticipating this moment for a while. Only because I knew that you were at peace those last few moments I seen you. Sitting outside on the old plastic chair, with some good age to it just like you. While you simply just let the sun hit your face one last time. enjoying every single moment of it , as if you too knew , that you may never see this sight again. Thank God that is the last image , i'll ever remember of U. Because it for damn sure was a beautiful one. I wanted to make this writing one of the most extravagant pieces that I have ever wrote , because I believe God blessed me with the gift of being able to write. So to me , this is the best way I know how to appreciate you. But I can't seem to think of anything. Every time I think of what to put down , all my mind draws up is pictures and images of past memories.

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