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U know , I use to hate the fact that I was an "over thinker".. 

My mind always being on go , and finding reasons , excuses  ,and flaws in every single little thing that it came across. Never truly letting my mind be at ease. Always finding a way to fuck things up , that haven't even happened yet. Always being so negative. Afraid. Anxious. 

Honestly , I don't even know if I'm fully over the fact that I am this way. But as I was laying in bed earlier. At 4:37 in the morning , ya know , doing the usual and just thinking about a bunch of shit. I finally gave myself one of the best thoughts I've had in a while. I think I finally figured it out. That I shouldn't think of my mind always being on , as such a bad thing. But instead , I need to realize and see how I could use it to my advantage. How I'm so damn privileged and blessed , to actually be a thinker. Cause in being a thinker , it will only allow me that much more , into being a doer. And that's what this world needs. Thats what I need. I need to be , a thinking doer.

 Before I wrote this , I rehearsed in my mind , how I would translate these thoughts I was having into words. And honestly I think I'm doing a pretty okay job at it right now. U see , I was thinking in such a positive way , it was actually pretty delightful. But at the same time , it was quite frightening.

 Because why haven't I been able to think in this manner before. Why haven't I been able to see the world in such a way before? While I was young and in high school. While the world was giving me life opportunities and blessing me right before my eyes. But I was too distracted, too naive , too blindfolded to see what was right before me. I was letting all that time , pass me by. And for what? Only for me to have so many regrets now? Only for me to have made so many mistakes and gone down the wrong path , not once but multiple times? Only for me to have driven away the only people that actually loved me and had the best interest for me and my life? Only to waste so many damn chances to the point that I could have had a better life. To have been in a better situation now. 

But as I said. In finally realizing , how much power my mind holds. I think that I can finally move forward , and be something in life. No. Not something. Me. I can finally be me. I can benefit from always thinking. By creating. By letting the world know. What I got going on in my head. By sharing these thoughts. Letting my ideas be known. By actually trying. By simply just doing. I can write it out. I can make a song. Create an outlet. Make my visions come to life. Make a new product. Write a book. Make some music. Just let the world see what I see , how I can. Let them judge me. Let them critique my work. Let them enjoy it. Let them destroy it. Or build on it. Hate it. Or love it. Like it. Or envy it. It's time to just , let it be. 

Never Ending Thoughts(Collection of Poems and random thoughts)Where stories live. Discover now