Hmm r U ready to die now?

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He realized that something was a bit off lately , he just couldn't figure out yet. But he also knew that whatever it was , was close to being discovered. He felt it in his heart. Heard it in his mind. And even came as close go smelling it in the air. Oh yeah , he also kinda felt as if he was being punished. He knew he made mistakes and did things a bit different than others. But was still unsure as to why he was being punished for this. For he thought to himself. Does God not forgive everyone who has sinned , even if they don't know how to ask for forgiveness? Does the universe not give second , third , maybe even many more chances than deserved? Does life not give any one miracle life changing breaks anymore? If so , why was he still being belittled. Why , in his mind , was he still the villain. He didn't mind it though. He actually embraced it. But it came with a huge cost. One that he couldn't afford , especially not now. Not while he was jobless , bored of the little freedom he had , suffering and self pitful. He know there was no one to blame but himself. But for fucks sake. Can't he just be blessed for once?

But he also realized, that He himself , was the one doing the most damage. Not intentionally of course. He was just that fucking stupid and unaware of his circumstances. He didn't really know what had been done to him. Or who did it to him. Or why they did it to him. Shit. He didn't even fucking know that something was done to him in the first place. But as the pain,  literally grew to unbearable to unimaginable , his suspicious grew stronger. Seeking peace wasn't even on his mind anymore. He just wanted revenge. But more than that , he wanted freedom. So which is he going to choose , is yet to be known. He just hoped that whichever answer he gave,  would be the one in his favor. And the one that would finally end his misery. Not in a suicidal way. But he was willing to die for his truth.

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