Untitled Part 34

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I've heard over and over about how , its all just in your head. And you know what , I think that I'm beginning to believe it. And I'm not talking about differing whats real from whats fake. Im talking about , how every time you begin to question yourself , and what you're doing in life , and how you feel like you're wasting all your time , although at the moment it may be true , its all just in your head. But instead of getting out of your own head. You need to get into it. And take back control. You need to be stronger than what you feel you can be. And you need to know that you can. You need to know , that although at times , it's hard to control your thoughts , you need to accept it. Learn. And grow. You need to begin to separate the thoughts that you can't control , with the ones that you can. And when you reach that moment , it'll start to get a little more clearer. Things will begin to look a little more bright. Maybe even , life itself , will begin to seem a bit more easy. Now I'm not saying that life in itself isn't hard , or it is easy. Maybe it's not anything. Maybe it's just life. And well honestly , that's for yourself to decide. But you can actually do something about it. And it all starts with your mind. With what you got going on up there. Once you begin to believe. Believe in yourself. And the things that you are capable of doing. The things that you provide to this world. For you have a gift inside of you. And it's just begging to be let out. You just have to begin focusing on the positive. Start embracing your failures , and setbacks , in order to move forward and let the past be the past. Focusing on the moment that you're in right now. And know , that that's the only thing you truly got. Not 5 minutes ahead. Not what happened an hour ago. But the moment that you're living in right now. 

So go ahead and be great. 

The world is waiting for you. 

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