Sunday Afternoon Conversations

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As she's cooking , I stand in my usual spot , over looking my mother cook from the other side of the kitchen counter. We begin to speak and I do more times than not begin to tell her about how im still struggling mentally because and the things that I've been stressing over. Than she begins to tell me about this family that recently had to migrate from Guatemala and how they struggled to cross the border just this previous month. She said that in the process of taking the route in order to cross into the US , the mother had to hold back and stay back because of the fact that they were about to get caught by the border patrol. In with doing so , a 16 year old girl along with the two others in her family were only able to cross in the time that they had imagined. The mother though , got left behind and lost for a few days in the desert , with her only hope being the word of the coyotes that had promised to cross her over. A few days later, she shows up here , and reunites with her family. My mother , who goes to church often , met these people during a Saturday service at a local church she attends. She began to speak with the girl and they told her about the situation. She noticed that the girl was very shy and shell shocked from what she had just been through. But for them , they were all just grateful to have made the journey and begin a new life , in a new country. The church found out that it  just so happened to be the girls birthday that day , and decided to celebrate it with her. 

I'm sharing this story , mainly just to show myself , how many times I fail to realize how privileged and truly blessed I truly am. Although , yes , I have my own problems , some greater than others , I realize , that so does the rest of the world. And although , I expect more from myself and want more for myself , I need to count my blessings and realize the positive things in my life. Before its too late. I am forever grateful for those conversations with my mother , because she helps me put things into a great perspective. It allows me to see life from another view. And in return , help change my mindset into thinking better for myself. I feel like if I just take a breathe , take it one day at a time , and continue to have faith , then eventually things will work out for the better. I just need to allow the good things to flow into my life and take advantage of them to the best of my ability. Even though life isn't going to be easy , I can begin to act rationally and take action in the ways that I need to , in order to prevail from any challenges that life throws my way. I can begin to inform myself on how to take the best option available , and roll with it.  

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