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I noticed that when writing for myself and writing for others , two completely different sides of me are on hand. 

Most of the time , I write specifically just for myself. U know just to get some thoughts out of my head and onto some pen and paper. In this case , onto a keyboard and a bright screen. I do it because these words are as much as a part of me as the hair on my balls. And of them , I have plenty. With that in mind , I just like to write. It makes me feel good. It lets me know that I'm still me. 

But when I write with the intention of it being for others, it takes me into a whole other level. My mind begins to think in a birds eye kind of view , but more of like a worm that is able to go in and out of peoples heads , and allows me to listen to peoples thoughts. Then in a sense , my mind figures , "hey , I know what this person might need to hear today". So then I begin to just let the words flow out and try and be the best version of that other person , talking to that person and letting them know what they actually NEED to hear. Not just what they think they want to hear. My end goal however , is always to be provocative. And get the people thinking for themselves with just a little bit more information than they had before. Not in a negative way however. I always try and convey a more positive message when I'm able to. But of course , I do have feelings and emotions as well , and sometimes they have a bit more control of what I write and say at times. Thats not such a bad thing though. Cause at the end of the day it's what I truly feel. And the people will more times than not , appreciate the real. 

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