Untitled Part 22

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They say that in a place like this , you don't really have too many options. You either let it eat you up alive , or you can turn it into your own personal paradise. You can decide to see the beauty in it all , of course only after you've been through the madness. Only after you've been down in the trenches , where no man should ever have to find their way out of. Only after you've been chewed up and spit out and thrown around like a piece of trash , can you decide to open your eyes and see. Only after you've tried your hardest and failed time and time again. Only after you've given it your all and have cried , wept , and bled. Only after you've dug yourself so deep into the hole that you didn't even notice you were digging for yourself , until you reach the moment of peak disparity. Can you look up , and see the sunshine. Then you reach out , and grab the shovel that was waiting for you this whole time. Only then can you grab the rope to help pull you up and out of the ground and reach for the stars. Only then , can you begin your real journey. Now you can finally take a breathe of fresh air for the first time. No more sensations of suffocating and feeling like there's no way out. Because you finally found it. You finally let your self slip and have fallen right into place. But remember , it's only after all the disparity , and heartbreaks , and loneliness , and suffering , that you can find what you've always been looking for , and set yourself free. Some say it's over the wall , or maybe even through it , but me , I say , just keep moving forward , and eventually , you'll reach your destination. 

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