The noticing of blessings

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At times, it's as if we solemnly want to feel failure and pain and misery. It's as if we feed off of negativity and thrive under pressure. But what if , we really are meant to live in peace and blessings. There's been times were I have myself failed to realize my blessings. As simple as having food on the table day in day out no matter what way it gets there. Sometimes through hard work and sweat , blood , and tears. Other days as a gift from thy neighbor or family. Never the less , im forever more grateful and thankful for the plate. Now if you're thinking this is solely just about food. Well , you're only half wrong. Because what im trying to get at is that , yeah although this world can be shitty at times and it may feel like it's quickly all falling apart , there are many days were things just come together and click. Those are the days that keep me moving forward and keep me moving and waking up day in and day out. Also the beautiful people and souls that surround me. I am eternally grateful and thankful for those that seem to come to understand that not everything is always peaches and cream. But still , they choose to love you just the way that you are. And to that , I can only give thanks to. I know that I haven't always been the easiest to love. Or the easiest to talk to. But I just hope to some day show them my appreciation for them. I want to let them know that 'I do love you' and am grateful for everything they have done for me. To keep me alive. To keep me going. And keeping me with them. Maybe these words will do just that. And I hope the time that I'm taking to say this; well more or less write this, can show them. But still, I know that there's more to this than just a simple writing of words. I know that I can do more for me , so some day , I can do more for them. I am mainly talking about my family and those who chose to stay by my side , when I had nothing else to provide but a simple thank you. I feel as if there's still more people I have yet to meet. More things I have yet to do. And to that I say , fuck it. Go on ahead and live your life the only way that YOU know it. Because at the end of the day , no one else can love it for you but yourself. Or live it for you. So go on ahead and be great. Or just lay in fucking bed all day and watch that favorite show of yours again. Because you know what , it's your life to live and no one else's. So it's okay to do whatever the fuck you want. You don't always need to prove yourself to others. As long as you know you are doing you , it's all good. But please, choose to live a little , whatever that may look like for you. Going to take your dogs for that simple walk around your neighborhood. Or running a fucking marathon. Just choose YOU.

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