Painful Praying.

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For the first time , in a long time. My life has felt pretty good. Except for the one thing that's been lingering in the back of my mind daily , the pain hasn't increased but instead its just at a constant. Which is the best part about this whole thing. I know what the pain is now. And its okay. Im at peace. Knowing I did everything I could. And this is just something that is out of my control. And in Gods hands. I pray every single day. And I have faith that one of these days. I won't need to pray for this pain to seize any longer. But instead , I'll be able to pray about how grateful I am about healing. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. So thank you God. May my faith remain strong. And I pray that I'm healed , blessed , guided , and protected. Amen. 

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