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One thing that I learned in this life , is that what happens to and around you , is mainly made up of the choices that you have made. And I'm talking bout the choices as simple as deciding to wake up and brush your teeth in the morning. Or deciding whether or not to go to that one party. Or deciding if you really want to go to school for that one thing that you're really passionate about or brush it off and work instead because of all the pressure that you feel within yourself to "make it" or please the people around you. Or deciding whether or not to do that one thing that's been lingering in the back of your mind because you're constantly reminding yourself about it. And it could possibly change your life in a drastic way. Anyways , the point that I'm trying to get at , is that besides the things that are out of our control , which is a lot by the way. Our life is simply made up of choices that we have to make. Whether you made the wrong or right choice , is never going to  be known. Because the possibilities are endless , no matter how many times you replay them over and over in your head. Something will always change and differ. So go ahead , and just choose. Cause whatever you choose , you can always make yet another choice of sticking with what you chose , or choosing something new. 

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