Untitled Part 49

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I've come to the realization , that the sorrow we feel , is caused by our own thoughts. Our feelings we can't control. But for how long we feel these things is up to us. And what we let these feelings do to us , is completely controllable. We decide how long we're down with the blues. We are the ones who guide how we let these things affect us. We have to learn how to not let the way we feel , or let the way something makes us feel , dictate how we go on about our lives. As it was once said in a Kanye song. "Although you are not ready for the day , it cannot always be night." And that is something that has allowed me to see things in a different way. It is certain that we are always changing beings. So we must allow ourselves to grow. To become small. Or to become big. We must allow ourselves to be seen. All while knowing when to be invisible and behind the scenes. I know what I write doesn't always make sense , and is sometimes all over the place. But trust me , it all correlates to the same message that I'm trying to get across. Just remember , you will always be able to find yourself back on the right path , as long as you keep walking and ignore all the trees and bushes around you. Don't get caught up with being afraid on whats on the other side of those bushes or whats behind them trees , and keep your eyes on the the footsteps in front of you , and continue to follow the path that has been already set out for you. It's there for you to follow for a reason. So go ahead. And trust yourself for once. 

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