Untitled Part 50

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The craziest part about this whole thing now , is that it feels different. Don't ask me how. Because I don't know. Thats why its a feeling. Because its just something that you feel. And you can't really put it into words. Kind of ironic , because that's exactly what im doing right this moment. Trying to put this feeling into words. Hahaha. Life's funny that way sometimes. Its like its all one big joke. But not a bad joke. Like a white guy trying to say a black joke that includes the word "nigga" in it. But more in like a Kevin Hart comedy special in a Friday night type of joke.  Damn. I got off topic again, didn't I. I do that way too often. But it makes for a really good read this shit once I finish it up. Thats if I ever do get to finishing one of these entries. Im one lazy motherfucker when it comes to this type of shit. Anyways , today was a good one. And to that , I thank God. 

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