Untitled Part 51

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One thing that I find real odd is , how the people that are closest to you , can often be the ones to envy and hate you dearly. When all you did for them was hold them close to your heart and allow them in your life. How someone could even hate someone else alone is the biggest mystery to me of all though. I get not liking a certain individual. And wanting to stay away from them and their company at all costs. But to go as far as hating someone , sabotaging them , humiliating them , making their lives miserable , is just a concept so foreign to me. Even though I've lived that many times. Its still something that I cannot comprehend. I don't know if its just because I don't want to. Or maybe im too stupid. But I just don't get it. Leave people alone man. It don't cost a damn thing. Not even a single dime. 

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