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What happens when you can no longer tell the difference between a dream and reality? 

What if your dream is your reality? 

What if your reality is all a dream?

And you didn't know it , but you were sleeping this whole time?

What if you can do anything that you want? 

Like fly. 

Or make that song. 

Or what if you can make all your wildest thought come true. 

Like that cool car you always wanted in blue, just appears out of thin air when you walk outside and you walk in it and drive away , high away , up to the moon. 

Like what if you can do all the things that you thought were impossible because of all the people around you that told you , you couldn't do it. 

What if they didn't know that they could do it too. 

What if red was blue and blue was purple ?

What if you knew what you thought you didn't and that could change how you been feeling ? 

What if ... 

The world is yours ? 

Never Ending Thoughts(Collection of Poems and random thoughts)Where stories live. Discover now