1. Cannoli

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Just before we start. If you would like, send me a message on my instagram. I love to chat about books, movies, music or whatever. I love little emotional support community. No pressure though.


The light buzzing of voices in the restaurant had quietened as the time approached eleven pm. Spencer sat back in his chair, pushing his empty plate of food away from him, and releasing an uncomfortable sigh.

"Full?" Rossi chuckled, taking in Spencer's lethargic slump, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

Spencer adjusted his shirt. "I think my stomach might explode."

"Mission accomplished." Rossi grinned. He had taken it upon himself to nourish he team's souls as he called it. In reality he just needed an excuse to take feed them Italian food as often as he could, whether that was at his home or at restaurants.

Rossi turned to the waiter that had arrived beside him. "Tell Chef Thomas it was delicious, as always. Can we get the cheque and the things I asked to be packed earlier?"

The waiter nodded, returning moments later with the cheque, and sliding a bag on to the table.

"Taking some for a midnight snack Rossi," Emily joked, nudging Luke and Penelope at the same time to draw their attention to Rossi.

"Haha very funny," Rossi rolled his eyes. "No, this is not for me." Rossi inspected the contents of the bag. Just as he was going to explain a phone ringing interrupted him. As if by instinct the entire table checked their phone. I guess that edge came with the job.

They all frowned when they realised it was not theirs. Not because they were disappointed the call was not for them, but rather because they had to take their attention away from their relaxed evening. However, JJ's face contorted intensely as she read the caller ID and answered the phone. She angled away from the table and lowered her voice as she spoke into the receiver.

Everyone returned to their conversations, allowing her to take the call. Everyone besides Spencer.

Spencer's muscles tensed.

He trained his vision on JJ, taking in how her forehead creased.

How at times her grip would tighten on her phone.

How her mouth turned downwards.

Spencer hadn't realised that his distraction by JJ had become so involved that he hadn't heard a single word that Rossi had said to him.

"Reid?" Tara tapped his shoulder, breaking his trance.

"Yeah," Spencer spluttered, clearing his throat. Automatically his face twitched like a deer caught in headlights.

"Rossi's speaking to you." Tara analysed Spencer shiftiness.

Spencer's eyes apologetically flickered to Rossi. "Sorry. I was just thinking... about something."

"Oooo," Penelope wiggled her shoulders. "What were you thinking about? Or should I say who."

Spencer sheepishly avoided eye contact.

Rossi narrowed his eyes. He clicked his tongue, but he let it go. "I was just saying." Rossi leaned forward and pushed the bag towards Spencer.

"What's this?" Spencer leaned forward peering into the bag.

"Cassata cake, tiramisu and cannoli's."

Spencer raised his eyebrows in confusion. He knew he had a sweet tooth but that didn't explain why Rossi was giving him enough dessert to feed his whole apartment building.

"For Y/N." Rossi elaborated.

"Oh." Spencer's shoulders slumped and glanced towards JJ who was finishing up her call. "This is really not necessary." Spencer said the words without even looking away from JJ.

"I know, I know. But she really helped me and Krystal out with the house, so it's just a small thank you. I assume you're going to see her before I do."

"Right, yeah. Of course." Spencer forced a smile on his face.

Rossi picked up on the strained demeanour that Spencer was projecting. "If you're not seeing her tonight that's fine. I shouldn't have assumed. It should be good if you just keep it in the refrigerator and give it to her tomorrow. If not, I'll swing by her office tomorrow and drop it off. She still works on a Sunday from what I remember."

"Of course, he's going to see her," Matt piped up. "Where else is he going to go?"

Luke joined in and leaned over ruffling Spencer's hair. "Have you noticed he is never at home when we swing by or ask him to come out. He's always busy."

"And it takes him 47 minutes to get into the office now, compared to the 25 minutes it takes when he comes from his apartment. He comes in just a few minutes before JJ." Penelope added as she cheekily sipped her drink.

"That's true, Reid. You are always occupied." Emily grinned. "I was almost surprised you come out today. Normally you would bail. JJ has an excuse. She has two boys at home. But I'm glad that both you and JJ could make it today. It feels whole for the first time in a month."

Spencer caught JJ's eye and the pair unconsciously clenched their jaws at the direction the conversation as headed in.

"I have to go." JJ interrupted, shooting up from the table, accidently dropping the napkin she had on her lap. She crouched down to pick it up just as Spencer ducked down to retrieve it too.

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