8. Yes

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Spencer's POV

As if on cue, the elevator door slid open. This time, with my keys in hand, I was able to drive out of the car park.

Once I drive out of the shielding underground carpark, I notice how high the sun is in the sky. It beats down on the hood of my car the light reflecting off it, causing me to squint.

My drive home was like a trance. I didn't even realise how quickly I got home.

Maybe it was because I was all in my head. Who knew that the thing that confuse me out of my mind would be... women.

Ambling through the building, the building manager scurried after me.

"Dr Reid," he panted.

I stopped in my tracks waiting for him to catch up to me.

"A package for you." The manager pushed it into my arms.

"Package?" The box was heavier than I thought, immediately weighing me down as he dropped it on me. "Thank you, Pete."

"No problem." He scurried back to the front desk sliding towards the door to open it for an incoming resident.

I dragged my feet up the stairs, inspecting the parcel on my way.

I quickly U-turn at the top of the stairs, around the railing.

My feet skid to halt, almost tripping over each other.

At my door a head of blond hair waited outside.

JJ had her back towards me.


She whiped around. Her hair flared out as she spun around. "Spence." For some reason she seemed surprised to see me. Even though she was standing outside my door.

"How long have you been out here?" My feet slowly lifted from the ground as I padded towards her.

Her eyes drifted upwards towards the ceiling. "Ten. Fifteen. Twenty minutes." She theorised.

"You waited that long for me to open the door."

"Actually... I haven't knocked yet." JJ stepped back from the door, giving me access.

"Oh right." My forehead tensed as my brows furrowed. I was glad that I was facing away from her and towards the door. "Umm... why?"

The jingling of my keys was the only sound that interrupted JJ.

"Building up courage takes longer than you might think."

I opened the door lets her in with me. I slid the package onto table and dropped my keys on top of it.

"Courage? JJ it's just me."

"I know. It's just that last night I was... Rude."

"Don't even worry about it, JJ. It's okay I get it. I had time to think about it and"

"So did I," she interjected. "What exactly did you think about?" She queried, clearly surprised by my response.

"This." I pointed out. Wasn't it obvious?

"Right and..."

"And... I don't want you to do anything you feel uncomfortable with. I don't want to put you in an awkward position. You're probably right anyway."

"About what?"

"That this is wrong." JJ looked hurt by my words. "Don't get me wrong." I tried to pull the conversation back. "This is entirely my fault and I'm not blaming you. But your probably right." I took a moment to scan her face. "But it seems that you're not liking what I'm saying. Did I get something wrong?" She was the one that was distancing herself last night.

"No no. It's just that..." JJ began pacing around my apartment incoherently mumbling.

"JJ I can't understand a word you're saying."

She stopped. "Sorry. Spence," she sighed. "I came here to say my answer to your question is yes."

"Which one? I have asked a lot."

"Yes, I would say yes Spencer," JJ whined.

"Oh." I was dumfounded.

JJ plonked onto the couch, tears forming in her eyes. "I had time to think. I have always loved you. You were my first love. I was just stupid to see it when it mattered. I wants things to work out but I don't want to step on anyone's toes. So, I'm leaving it up to you. I'll go with whatever you want. All I know is we can't carry on as we are."

She's leaving it up to me. The conflict in my brain was already giving me a headache.


"Don't tell me now." JJ jumped off the couch. "I don't want you to regret anything. Think about it. Sleep on it."

"Yeah," I scoffed. "As if that will happen."

"I'm serious Spencer." JJ strode towards the door. "Don't take this lightly. If Y/N is your person I don't want to jeopardise that because of some selfish feelings that I have." JJ pulled open the door, giving me one last glance before storming out. Like she hadn't just turned my world upside down.

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