53. Faye

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Spencer's POV

Faye erupted as Ben disappeared. "You're just going to let him go?" she yelled in bewilderment throwing her hands in the air. She looked from Will to Dani to JJ and then finally settled on me. Then she punched my arm after I failed to give her the response she wanted.

"Ow." I flinched, rubbing the area her knuckles had collided with.

"Do something. It's the least you can do." Faye stared at me, accusingly.

"We don't have anything concrete Faye. Besides I feel like we're missing something." Something was off. I just couldn't put my finger on what it was.

"So, you're not going to do anything?" Faye rolled her eyes. "Unbelievable. I know that you don't care about her that much, but I know you could be doing more. This is pathetic."

"I do care about her," I whispered. "Why does everyone think I don't?"

"Then act like it." Faye looked at JJ for the first time. "Would you act like this if it were her?" She jutted her head towards JJ. "No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't be able to stand here so calm, so quiet, not doing everything in your power."

What could I say to that?

I didn't have to say anything. Faye walked away, slamming doors, before I could.

I meant it. I did care about her. I just couldn't recall the last time I showed her that. And for a while I hadn't even thought about what she might need or want. There was a time, I knew what Y/N was thinking before she did. I took that for granted. How I wish I knew what she was going through right now. I wanted to save her from it. Switch places with her. Anything to stop the grief that she probably felt looming above her.

I ran after Faye, completely ignoring JJ trying to stop me. "Spence, wait."

I had already waited too long. "Faye." I called out, as I followed the loud echoes of the slamming doors.

I was surprised to see she wasn't headed to her apartment. "If you're not going to do anything. I will." She pciked up her pace as she raced down the stairs.

"Wait. Where are you going?" I jogged after her, my breath quickening.

"To confront that bastard. He knows something." Her hand barely grazed the handrail as she ploughed down the endless steps.

I finally caught up to Faye, blocking her path by scooting in front of her and stretching my arms to grip both sides of the handrail so she couldn't get passed.

"Move," She spat.

"Faye. I can't let you do this." I squared up further to completely stop her. "Trust me. I know that he is hiding something, but we have to be smart. Antagonising him won't get you anywhere. I know characters like him."

Faye slumped her shoulders in defeat. She was deflated. "Spencer... She's my only family. The only one who actually cares about me and shows an interest what I think. I have no one else. Not caring is not an option for me." She half-heartedly pushed past my shoulder and leaned against the large windows that towered at the landing of every flight of stairs. "You say you care about her, and for a second let's say that I believe you. But you have all these people that care about you. That's why you it didn't bother you too much when she wasn't around anymore. I wouldn't have lasted a day." She looked out onto the dark city with small specks of light. "Let's say you don't find her. At first, you'll think about her every day. In a few months it will be a few times a week. And in a few years, she'll just be a distant memory that you relive every now and again. Because you'll have all new memories with the people who care about you. That won't happen for me. So, I need you to find her Spencer. Please."

I knew that Faye and Y/N were close. They had been friends since they were in kindergarten. Y/N herself had been through some shaky times when she was young after her passed away when she was twelve. Her brother, albeit only nineteen, had taken full responsibly of her. That how she had become close with the Windsor's and became a trustee in the Nebula foundation when she was an adult. She would often spend time with them and pretty much every holiday since had been spent with them.

Faye had a similar story of growing up before her time when her family went bust. Her dad was imprisoned for money laundering. Soon after her mother went off the rails too and got into some trouble. She ran off to go into hiding, leaving Faye, alone and with nothing but trouble. Sixteen-year-old Faye has been fending for herself for months before her school clocked on and contacted CPS. During those months Y/N and her brother had been supporting Faye, after Y/N figured out what was going on. Needless to say, their childhoods had brought them closer.

"That's not going to happen Faye. Because I'm not going to stop until I bring her back."

Faye nodded. She saw the fire in my eyes. I meant it. I wouldn't be able to sleep until I did. The next time I sleep I want Y/N to be the last person I see.

"You have to Spencer." I put aside my detest for touch and gave Faye a supportive hug.

I had to. I knew that. The question was how.


Just a small note.

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Also, please comment what you think has happened to Y/N or what you think will happen. I want to know what you all think.

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