3. Iced Latte

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The brake lights faded as the car revved, carrying Spencer and JJ, away.

Spencer had been acting strange over the last month. We would see each other less. He was always busy. That's fair enough, but his mood was oddly erratic, and he was constantly on edge. He always used to make an invested effort to call me when he was on a case. We always would see each other when he got back from a case, no matter what the time. But not this past month. He wasn't like the Spencer from before.

I was surprised to see Spencer tonight. I'm sure from my recollection he told me he was still out of state on a case. Maybe I was just reading into it too much. I was kind of tired. That's why I needed some air. All the numbers and letters on the contracts had started to merge together. It made me dizzy.

I waddled further down the street, running over the interaction I had just had, repeatedly in my head. I stopped in front of the coffee truck that parked up outside the bars and restaurant at night.

"Hi, can I get two cappuccinos, a mocha and an iced latte please."

"Coffee at this time," a voice chuckled behind me.

I swiped my card to pay for the coffees and glanced sideways to see David Rossi examining his watch.

"Hi. Yup. I'm going to need it to stay awake." I backed up from the cash register, giving the person behind me access.

"You know there's a little thing called rest." David wrapped his free arm around me to give me a hug.

"Really?" I joked. "Never heard of it. No, I'm joking. I need to finish this account. Then we can all rest."

"Here. Maybe this will help." Rossi held out a bag.

"What's this?" I peeked into the bag and my mouth began to water. "No. I can't take your dessert."

"It was for you anyway. Reid was supposed to take it, but he forgot. Which is unusual for that kid."

"Hmm," I agreed, trying to not make my concern obvious.

"Do you think he's been acting strange?" David queried.

I sucked in my cheek. "I want to say yes. But honestly, I haven't spent much time with him recently to know for sure. All that in itself is a little odd. But people get busy."

David shifted his weight. "When is the last time you saw him?"

"Tonight, just before he took JJ home." I grabbed the coffees from the barista.

"And before that?"

"Oh well. I was supposed to go over to his place on Monday, but you guys were on a case so obviously that didn't happen. Maybe like three weeks ago."

David seemed noticeably displeased.

"Is every, okay?" I asked him.

"Hmm," he nodded. "Would you like a lift home?"

"No. Don't worry about it. I need the air. Say hi to Krystal for me. Goodnight."

I slowly began my stroll back. 

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