12. Chess

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Spencer's POV

Of course, Y/N arrived at my apartment at the height of my kitchen chaos.

"What have you done?" Y/N almost keeled over at the state of me.

"I... I don't know,' I admitted.

"Move over." She shrugged off her jacket, lightly bumping me over with her hip as she washed her hands.

She immediately erased my mess as if I had never created it in the first place. Within twenty minutes she had single handedly resurrected our dinner, while I essentially sat on the counter twiddling my thumbs trying not to get in the way.

Once she was finished, and all we had to do was wait she leaned back against the fridge, crossing her arms at her chest and smiling smugly.

I shook my head, running my tongue over my bottom lip. I could recite a cookbook from cover to cover in several language, but my execution was poor to say the least. Y/n on the other hand made it seem so easy. "Let's do something while we wait. A game," I suggested.

"Okay, like what?"

"Chess," I grinned.

"Can we at least play a game that I have a chance in." She sighed.

I hopped off the counter and strode towards her. "You're good at chess." She actually was. I wasn't trying to butter her up.

"Not with you." She ducked under my arm before I could box her in.

"Don't underestimate yourself."

"I'm not. I'm being realistic." Y/N slowly retreated from me.

"Come on Y/N. If you win I'll do whatever you want for 24 hours."

She rolled her eyes. "And if you win, I have to do what you want for 24 hours," she theorised correctly.

"Exactly." I knew she hated the thought of that. She hated being told what to do. She was one of those characters that if you told her to do something she would do the opposite.

She inhaled deeply. "This definitely isn't fair," she moaned, but she plonked down across from at the chess board regardless.

A smile spread across my face.

We played in silence. That only built up the tension. Y/n's lips puckered in concentration. I watched as her eyes darted around the board trying to establish the best move.

"You make the cutest concentration face."

She clicked her tongue but ignored me.

"Did you know the number of possible unique chess games is much greater than the number of electrons in the universe. The number of electrons is estimated to be about 10 to the power of 79, while the number of unique chess games is 10 to the power of 120."

Y/N silently nodded. Her mouth turned downwards into a frown.

I waited a few moments before plucking up the courage to ask what had been running through my mind the whole time she was here. "Has someone made a move on you since we've been together."

Y/n slammed her hand on to table in disbelief. "Are you trying to distract me?"

"Sorry." I gnawed at my lip with a grin. "I'll let you concentrate." I knew I'd already won. But I would give her a chance anyway.

After fifteen minutes Y/n finally accepted that she had lost.

"See," she pointed out slouching back in her seat.

"You played well though," I reassured her, leaning across the table and rubbing her arm.

"You were trying to go easy on me." She tried her hardest not to sound bitter.

"Maybe a little," I admitted.

"What do you want me to do then?"

My eyes brightened up. "You'll see. I have a whole 24 hours to demand."

"Whatever," she huffed, pushing herself out of her seat.

"Well let's start with you being a little less bratty," I muttered under my breath.

She paused her mouth wide open in surprise and slight offence. "Woah okay then," she stuttered. "Where the hell did that come from."

I shrugged, nonchalantly.

"You know you like it really," she teased. She sauntered over to the kitchen in time to turn off the timer just before it beeped.

Y/N opened the oven. "Ow. Shit." She paced around the kitchen shaking her hand in the air.

"What?" I exclaimed rushing out of my seat.

"Nothing. I just burned my hand a bit on oven."

I took her hand in mine, inspecting the growing redness.

"Fuck me," she whispered in pain as she watched the developing wound.

"I intend to," I mumbled while guiding her over to the sink and putting her hand under cold water.

Y/n froze in shock. Forgetting about her pain. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were fixed on me. "I think the pain is making me have hallucinations."

I snuck up behind her leaned over her shoulder and turning off the running water. I spun her around so that her eyes were level with my lips, resting my hand on her hips. "Kiss me."

Her eyes flickered up to mine in confusion. I just needed this, to know. Just to know that the JJ thing was a one-time thing.

"Kiss me," I repeated, pulling her firmly towards my body.

Her eyes flickered back down to my lips. She tip-toed up and pressed her lips onto mine. Immediately as she obliged a fire ignited inside my chest. Not like an explosive, ravenous fire but rather the warm cosy glow that you get from a fireplace on a winter's day. It felt comfortable. Familiar. Easy.

Yeah. This is right. Right?

My hands ran lower down her back and pulled her into me, so she became my second skin. Simultaneously, she snaked her uninjured hand through my hair.

I tugged her bottom lip with my teeth as I pulled back for air. She moaned into my mouth. Automatically, I took her lips into mine again.

My hands dropped further and further down her back until they were no longer on her back. I hoisted her up onto the counter by her thighs, standing between her legs.

"You know you didn't have to win the game for this," she gasped when I moved my lips form her lips and trailed kissed down her neck, dragging my tongue at the same time.

"I know," I contently sighed.

"But..." she pushed me back, leaving me yearning for more. "I'm starving."

"Right," I smiled, remembering the reason I had told her to come over was to feed her.

I lifted her off the counter. "Let's eat then."

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