73. Find her

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Spencer's POV

It's been weeks.

I haven't heard from Y/N.

I know that her phone was returned to her, but she wouldn't answer.

It was like she had fallen off the face of the earth.

I went to the apartment, even though I knew she wouldn't be there.

I went to her house. The security was extremely evasive.

Her office. She was a no show.

I called her brother's house but there was no one home.

As much as I hated the idea, I ended up outside Faye's apartment. I can't handle Faye's sarcasm on a normal day.

I knocked on the door.

"What?" Faye screamed though the door.

"Faye. It's me." I crossed my arms and tapped my foot as I waited.

"Well ME. Fuck off. I'm busy."

"Faye. I just want to know if you've spoken to Y/N. Is she okay?"

Faye threw open the door and rolled her eyes. "What the hell is this? I'm not in the mood Spencer."

"Come on Faye."

"I'm serious," she glared at me. I knew why her mood was off. She didn't have Y/N nearby to calm her down. She definitely hadn't seen her recently. "What do you think that just because you found her that she will forget everything? Get off your high horse." She tried to slam the door in disgust.

But I used my foot to stop it from closing. "Faye... You didn't tell me if she was okay?"

"She's fine. Just do me a favour and just leave her alone. I think you've done enough."

This time I let her slam the door in my face.

I sulked all the way to the BAU.

"Why the long face Reid?" Luke swivelled around in his chair.

"Nothing," I shrugged. "Is Garcia in her office?"

"Yeah." Luke furrowed his brow.

Penelope was sat tinkering with her trinkets.


Penelope gasped, holding her chest. "Reid, you scared me." She recovered from her hyperventilation. "What's going on in the mind of our resident genius?"

I sighed audibly, "Not much. I can't concentrate."

"What's up?"

"It's Y/N..."

Penelope blew put a puff of air. "Spencer..."

"I'm not asking much Pen. I just want to know if she is okay."

Penelope was quick to reply. "She's okay Spencer."

"But you didn't check..."

Penelope shook her head. "Spencer, trust me. I checked. She was my friend too you know. I'm worried about her. But she's doing okay. Just give her space and time."

"Yeah, so I've been told." I rubbed the rough skin on my chin.

I suppose I was going to have to find my own way to her. 


This is the penultimate chapter. 

Can you believe it ?

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