13. Toothbrush

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After dinner I followed Spencer, helping him to clear up the dishes.

"Don't worry about it. I got it. Go sit." He ushered me away.

"You cooked, so I should help clean. It's only fair." I shrugged and slipped off my watch and rings off my fingers.

"You ended up cooking with me." But he let me carry on anyway, picking up a cloth to dry what I washed.

I listen to Spencer excitedly tell me about technical errors in movies. Why does it feel like he is trying to tell me something but is putting it off?

"Spence?" I interrupt him when he pauses for a moment.


"Is there something you want to say?" I play with the bubbles in the sink, not making eye contact with him.

"Errr." He sheepishly rubbed his eyebrow.

Just as I was waiting for his response, my phone shrilled from my pocket. I sighed and apologetically glanced at Spencer.

He scrunched his nose to assure me it was fine, and passed me a towel to dry my hands.

I gratefully took it and quickly removed the phone form my pocket and took the call, pacing away from the kitchen.

The work call seemed to go on forever. Spencer finished clearing up without me and settled on the couch, picking up a book that he had resting on the side.

Finally, I wrapped up the call and sunk down next to him. He looked up and smiled at me. I leaned onto him and began reading over his shoulder. Spencer adjusted his arm so that it wrapped around me and stroked my head.

After a bit he suddenly snapped the book closed causing me to rapidly blink from the unexpected gust of wind.

"Can I ask you something?" I looked and saw his jaw angled towards me.

I adjusted my posture, so I was still leaning into him but was now sitting further up. "Yeah."

"What exactly would you consider as cheating?" He drew patterns on the bare skin of my legs.

"What?" I choked.

He pulled his hand back. "Derek told me about him and Savannah asking each other all these questions when they were getting to know each other, and I realised that we should talk about something's. You know before..." He moved his hands around like I should know what he meant.

"Okay," I replied uncertainly. "I'm a simple girl Spence. I think you probably know what I think better than I do."

"Hypothetically," he persisted. "Indulge me."


"What if...What if someone kissed me? Randomly. Out of the blue," he rushed his words, as if he had been rehearsing them.

I frowned and tapped my teeth with my nail. "Then... I would think, why would you have put yourself in a situation where someone thought you were available."

"Okay." He elongated the word as he thought about what I had just said. "But what if I didn't reciprocate?" He questioned.

"Think about it this way." I crossed my legs and faced towards him. "What if you one day you saw someone randomly come up to me and kiss me. How would you react?"

Spencer stared to fume as if it happened. "The guy would have another thing coming. I know several thousand ways to get rid of someone without being implicated."

I stopped him before he could begin rattling off the listed. "See my point," I giggled. "Why are you planning on moving mad?"

Spencer shot up from the couch leaving only the warm ghost of his position for me to fall back onto.

He held out his hand.

I just stared at it in perplexity.

"Stay here tonight." He requested.

I tooks his and to stand up. "I don't know. I have some emails I wanted to clear before I sleep."

"I won the game," he reminded me, pulling me into his chest.

"That you did." I kissed him as he walked backwards with me towards his room.

He kicked the door open, guiding us both into the room, before slamming it shut behind us.

He walked over to the wardrobe and pulled something out. He came over and handed me something to wear. "You can go first," he said as he motioned towards the bathroom.

"Okay, thanks." I took my pyjamas from him, his hands lingering over mine.

I shuffled over to the bathroom, slipping inside, leaving the door cracked slightly open, to let the warm light from the room to seep in and illuminate it.

I slipped on the oversized t-shirt I sleep in and plucked up my toothbrush from beside Spencer's.

A light knock came from the door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," I mumbled.

Spencer poked his head through the door. He opened the door wider but left the light off. He knew I cringed against the bright bathroom lights and preferred the dim light from the room to light up the bathroom.

As he approached me, I turned slightly towards him to see why he had wanted to come His chest was bare as he donned only his comfy trousers. Spencer looked super skinny, but underneath all those layers he wore he was toned, but only a few people had the privilege of knowing that.

Spencer stood beside me and picked up his toothbrush too. We stood side by side brushing our teeth. Occasionally, I caught Spencer glancing over at me in the mirror.

We both finished brushing our teeth. Spencer leaned across me to put his toothbrush back. He leaned against the door frame watching me as I moisturised my face and applied lip balm.

"What?" I asked him, watching him in the mirror.

He shook his head, indicating to me nothing. He pushed off the door frame and stepped up behind me, wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

I leaned back into him, melting in his arms. He laced his fingers with mine and led me out towards the bed.

We both lay back on one side of the bed. Spencer lay on his back, and I lay back onto him, his arm behind me and around my shoulder. We both lay silently lacing and unlacing our hands.

"I hope we stay like this forever." I sighed turning my face into his chest.

Spencer's hand fell down to my leg, rolling me over so that I was on top of him. He held my face in his hands. "That's not how it works."

Before I could think too much, he pulled my head down and planted his lips on mine. It started off soft, but it didn't take long for the temperature to rocket sky high. Spencer tugged off the flimsy material that I called by pyjamas and flipped me onto my back.

"Is this why you wanted me to stay," I panted. All the air had escaped my lung when he flipped me over.

"Maybe," he teased, grazing his teeth over my neck as he trailed further down my body.

As the night went on, I clung to Spencer as I feel in love with him over and over again. A little more with every touch. With ever kiss. With every moan.

There is little that Spencer could do wrong. It's one of the reasons I loved him.

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