58- the call

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Spencer's POV

"I have baffled the omniscient Dr Spencer Reid."

I tapped the table in front of me to get Emily's attentions.

Her eyes widened and she motioned to quite the chaos around us.

"Stop playing games. What do you want?" I shouted into the phone.

Meanwhile, Emily was alerting Garcia to work on tracing the call.

"Patience, Spencey. You'll know in time."

I frowned at the nickname.

"Now here's for some rules. First, you will answer the call when I call. I won't dial twice. Two. Do exactly as I say otherwise there will be a price to pay, and you won't be the one paying. Finally, you will answer every question that I ask you, honestly. Oh, and don't bother tracing the call, you already know you won't get any results. Got it?"

"Go it," I gulped in fear that my slightest mistake could cause harm to Y/N.

Emily tapped my shoulder signalling me to mute the call, just as Will and Dani raced over to listen

"What?" I anxiously rushed her.

"Keep him talking. Try to get as much information out of the unsub as you can. Don't antagonise him." She sped through her briefing holding intense contact with me. I realised how important this was. I didn't need Emily to remind me.

"Are you listening to me," the caller screeched through the phone.

"Yes," I stuttered, unmuting the call.

"Don't you dare mute me, again. This is my one and only warning. Do as I say when is say it and answer when I call you. Otherwise, she will pay for it."

"Is... she hurt? Is she okay? Can I talk to her?"

A demented laugh breeched the silence. "We'll get there. For now, just do as I tell you to do?"

"What do you want me to do?" I pleaded. I needed this nightmare to be over.

"Wait for my call," he instructed before abruptly ending the call.

"Wait... wait, please," but it was too late. "Emily," I wailed.

She held her hand up to stop my breakdown. She scuttled away towards the detectives. "The unsub is trying to control the narrative." She slammed her hands down on the desk. "But on the brightside, we have contact. Now, we just need to manipulate what we can to decipher who the unsub is and what they want. We need to see if he fits any of the potential profiles."

Will nodded, his hands resting on his hips. "Were working on it. We have updated the APB and we are organising a press conference to see if anyone has any information. The journalists are already having a field day with this. We need to control the story they put out."

In a daze, I shoved past the people obscuring my path. I bumped into several officer trudging in from their patrols. I mumbled my apologises as I stumbled out of the precinct's doors. But I walked into another nightmare.

I was blinded by the flashing lights and the crowd erupted as I cowered into the shadows.

"Dr Reid," I heard in staggered choruses.

Remaining in the shadows, I spotted the horde of reporters being held back.

"We have received news that the girlfriend of highly decorated supervisory Special Agent Dr Spencer Reid has been missing for coming up to 10 hours. There is evidence of struggle at her place of residence and her apartment has been closed as an active crime scene. The young woman, esteemed as the youngest individual to be awarded the Nobel Prize for her innovative designs aiding in advancement of eco-friendly architecture to combat climate change, was last seen on security cameras at her apartment. Her disappearance was only noted when her long-time partner, SSA Dr Reid, found her home in disarray and absent of his girlfriend. An anonymous tip has informed us that FBI's BAU is working with DCPD to push along the investigation and that the kidnapper may be taunting Dr Reid. Spencer Reid was the youngest ever intake of the FBI, earning his credentials at the ages of 22. He graduated college at the age of 12. He has three PhD's and an IQ of 187. Has his job finally caught up with him? We are still yet to get confirmation of the current progression of the case but up until know the whereabouts and condition of Y/N are still unknown. Follow along to keep updated with the latest in this story."

"Dr Reid, what can you tell us about the disappearance of Y/F/N Y/L/N?"

"Is it true that the kidnapper has contacted you?"

"What did the kidnapper want? Has there been a ransom demand?"

"Did you find anything at the scene?"

"We heard a rumour that there was strain on your relationship with Y/N. Do you have any comments?"

"How does it feel know that the things you see every day are becoming your reality?"

"What are you doing to find her?"

"Do you have any suspects?"

"Where were you when she was taken?"

"Do you have evidence that she is still alive?"

The questions bombarded me. But that last one cut like a knife.

I involuntarily staggered forward into the flashing lights. "She is alive. She has to be," I screamed, furious that they could even suggest that. I lunged towards the offending crowd

"Reid," Will caught me. He shoved me behind him.

Emily took a hold of me, pulling me back inside and firmly closing the door to block the noise. "You can't react like that."

"Did you hear what they were saying? How could they say that?" My face crumbled.

"This reaction is not going to help Y/N. You need to be thinking about the press conference."

"I can't. I don't think I can do it."

"Spencer," Emily rested her hand on my shoulder. "There is no one better than you to request the public to come forwards. And we know the kidnapper wants to talk to you. You can't contact him. This is your way to communicate with him and who knows maybe Y/N will see it. She needs to know that you are looking for her."

"She hates me, Emily." I curled inwards. "I ruined everything for her. Getting close to people is hard for her. I know because that what I'm like. On the outside she is inviting but she keeps everyone at a distant and she let me in. and all I did was mess it up. I made a mockery of it. She won't want to see me."

"She never hated you." The cold breeze flooded through the door as a tall man loomed in the doorway. "In my opinion she should. But she didn't."


Okay so what I found out after my little experiment. 

In 24 hours the ranking of this story increased thanks to all of the people who voted and commented.


#mgg- 95->52

#criminalminds fanfic- 422->415

#spencereid- 93->88

#reid- 82-76

#jeid- 333->323

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