23. One, two, three

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Spencer's POV

I may as well have written what I had done on my forehead. Y/N could see right through me.

The problem is that when I'm around JJ I want her and only her. Then I see Y/N, and my whole perspective alters.

"Reid, up. You're with me and. Tara." I almost slump over as Rossi, yells for me across the bullpen.

"Huh?" I sling my bag over my neck and run after them as they hurriedly left for the elevator. "Where are we going?"

"Courthouse," Tara told me as Rossi ignored my question. He was completely engrossed in his phone.

"DOJ needs an emergency profile and district attorney Mayfield has some questions for us and allegedly one of the unsubs on trial is staging some kind of coup. The three of us are going to handle that. The rest are going to carry on with the virtual consults while we cover this."

"Ah." I peeked over Rossi's shoulder and saw his hand wavering over his screen. "Is something wrong Rossi." I was shocked when he momentarily glared at me but he recovered it.

"I just didn't sleep well."

Was it just me or was Rossi being cold towards me?

Once we got to the courthouse, we were so busy that I didn't notice much. All three of us separated so that we could divide and conquer.

A few hours later, I returned back to the conference room that had been cleared for us. I reached for the door handle but pulled back when I heard the murmurs from inside the room.

"A grown man of my age. My heart is too weak for this," Rossi sounded like he was complaining to Tara.

"What are you talking about?" Tara snickered. "You're still kicking around."

"Tara!" Something must really be bothering him. He seems easily irritable.

"What?" she giggled.

"Let's say that someone you know, a friend, is doing something you know is wrong and will cause someone quite important to you pain. Is it my place to say anything?"

"To who? Your friend or the person in pain? Have you spoken to your friend?" Tara signalled quotation marks is the air around the word friend. Clealry Rossi line of questioning was confusing her too. Not just me.

"Yes..." Rossi replied slowly. "In a roundabout way. But this person is smart. They know what I was talking about."

"Are you sure?

Rossi grunted in agreement.

"Is this about Joy?" Tara queried.

Rossi shook his head. "No. I fear this might be worse than if it were Joy." He got off his seat, rubbing his head he strode to the window. "Why don't people ever see that what's goofd for them is right in front of them."

Why don't they just.

"Hopefully, in time, your 'friend' will come to the realisation. Now sit down." Tara patted Rossi's seat. "I'm sure Reid will be back with coffee soon. That will provide you some clarity."

On cue, I pushed open the door, balancing the tray of coffees in one hand.

I sat down under the scrutiny of Rossi's gaze. I stared into the deep abyss of my steaming coffee. There were a few things I had taken note of.

One. That being with Y/N was easy. Much simpler then carving myself space in JJ's.

Two. I didn't want to hurt Y/N. I couldn't bear the thought of the look on her face if she found out.

Three. I was probably better off just being friends with JJ. I had been for all these years without incidence. Besides JJ has no loyalty to me in the way like Y/N does. JJ can do what she wants. Her every move shouldn't have me on the edge of my seat. It shouldn't bother me.

I had made it to my third cup of coffee since arriving at the courthouse, when the air around me felt different. Like the seasons has changed. Looking up, I spotted the familiar cadence of Y/N inch past the door, her hair flowing behind her, as if a fan were blowing it back.

I shot of my chair, causing the table to jerk and Rossi and Tara's eyes to widen.

"Y/N." I called after her as I skid to the doorway.

Stopping just short of toppling over some innocent bystanders, I caught sight of Y/N once more as she stopped and look around to find the source of my voice. When her eyes settled on me her confusion turned to a smile. "Hey."

"Hi," I tried to catch my breath as I reached her. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh. Just some permits." She pointed to the planning permission's office.

I was listening to her but the hollowness of her cheeks lured me in. One by one I noticed that her skin was paler, her eyes darker, her lips vibrated microscopically. Automatically, my fingers lingered over the skin on her face. "You didn't sleep," I announced.

"I tried," she grimaced, not once flinching under my touch. Even though the crowded halls if the courthouse likely housed some curious eyes. "The electrics are still playing up and the temperature last night was whack. Sometimes too hot."

She hated to sleep when it was too hot. She liked the room temperature to be cool, so she could huddle up in her blanket. "Stay with me," I offered. But really I was insisting.

"I can't," she says.

That surprised me. Why not? The thought screamed in my head.

"I decided this was the perfect excuse to go to Dallas."

Her answer relived me. Her brother has been trying to get her to come for ages. "When are you back?"

"The day after tomorrow. Hopefully the electrics will be sorted by then."

"Will you have dinner with me when you get back."

"Umm okay... but I might have a meeting. It might be a little late. What shall we make"

"No." I stopped her. "I mean. Let's go out."

Y/N raised her brows at my abruptness.

"Let's go to Le Fouquet's." I took her hand in both mine. "7 o'clock."

"Ummm... okay."

Before she could say anything further Rossi cleared his throat.

"Alright lovebirds," Tara teased. "Sorry Y/N but we are going to have to steal Spencer. We do have some work to be getting on with.

"Of course." Y/N beamed back. "Let the dream team get back to work. Nice seeing you guys." She waved her finger as she said goodbye, patting Rossi on the back as she passed.

"Ti auguro ogni bene." Rossi whispered his well wishes to Y/N. We all watch as she walks away.

"Shall we," Tara suggests snapping me and Rossi back to reality.

"Yup," I stutter.

"Yes. Let's get this done." Rossi hailed.

"Looks like Y/N didn't just cheer Reid up. She's had an effect in you too David."

He shook his head. "Let's just say that that person may be getting their act together." Rossi hummed.

"Oh," Tara frowned, not knowing how the situation had changed so rapidly.

Why did I feel that Rossi knew more than he was letting on.

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