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Spencer's POV 

I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as I could, but all I could imagine was that night.

The night when JJ finally saw in me, what I had seen in her for years. I knew it was wrong at the time. I had a girlfriend. Of twenty-two months and seventeen days. And we were going strong. But there is always calm before a storm.

Only a month ago we had been at Rossi's.

"Oops," JJ giggled as she ended up pouring her wine onto the table instead of into her glass. "Maybe I should stop. I'm sure I've only had three glasses," she pondered out loud.

"You're becoming a light weight," Emily chucked a cloth towards JJ.

"We don't waste wine in this house," Rossi tittered. "And can you stop destroying my house. You can't even begin to comprehend how painstakingly tedious it was to get all these designs right with Y/N."

"I can," I raised my hand and my mouth half full of focaccia. "Your house took so long I think all of Y/N's nightmare were about this place. They probably still are."

They all chuckled.

"I'm being serious." I replied blankly not seeing what was funny.

"I might want to hold off on asking her to help with our remodel then," Matt contemplated.

"How long are you going to wait Simmons? Don't you have another kid coming?" Luke poured in through the patio door.

"That's why we need the remodel." Matt turned towards Penelope for sympathy. Which he received in abundance.

"Call her." I interjected quickly. "If she finds out that what I told you stopped your remodel, I won't be able to live it down. She won't say anything about it but I can already see the disapproving look on her face which would kill me."

Rossi gave Krystal a look and they both chuckled as he took dishes from Krystal to load the dishwasher.

"What?" I glanced around clearly not getting what was funny.

"You really don't like the idea of disappointing Y/N," Krystal proclaimed.

"Of course not." I still didn't understand.

"How long have you two been together?"

I was about to reel of the exact number of days when a thud shocked us all.

I turned as saw JJ rubbing her leg, where she had hit it on a side table.

"Woah, the wine actually hit me hard. I think I should go home." She continued to nurse her leg.

"I'm going to head off too." I dragged myself to my feet.

"So early," Penelope whined.

"Garcia, it's 12:30." She didn't seem satisfied with my answer. "Aaaaand, I plan on seeing Y/N in the morning when she wakes up."

"What at 5am," Tara raised her eyebrow.

"Uh huh," I nodded, slipping my jacket on. "She doesn't know yet though."

"Keeping it spicy," Luke jeered, emphasising the 'S' in spicy.

I pulled my keys out of my pocket. "Please don't ever say that again." Clearly, I voiced what everyone was thinking because they all nodded in agreement. I sighed and propped up JJ as she sorted out the strap of her heels. "You ready?"

"Yeah," she huffed, stamping her foot hard on the polished wood.

We waved goodbye and I let her slip out the door first.

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