42. Nervous

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Spencer's POV

Y/N leaving the BAU without protection worried me. We had a killer on the loose. She was a potential target. Why couldn't she just listen. I knew she was head strong, but this decision was personal. And it was being made in the heat of the moment and I knew we would regret it.

But then...

It all just stopped.

There were no more murders with the same MO.

I had no valid reason to request protection for Y/N anymore. That didn't comfort me though.

Every spare minute I had; I would be thinking about her. Even now, as I stood at the window adjusting my bow tie.

I heard a clatter come from the next room. I strode over to the door, firmly knocking on it. "Ethan? What was that noise?"

A distressed Ethan swung open the door. On the ground behind him the broken shards of a crystal glass were scattered on the floor. "Everything's going wrong."

"Ethan, calm down. It's fine. I call room service they'll clean it up."

"Do I look fine?" Ethan spun around 360.

"Ummm. Yes?" I didn't know how to answer that.

"Is it normal to be this nervous." Ethan paced back and forth around the coffee table.

"I wouldn't know. But I can tell you when thing... It's quite amusing." I staggered backwards to open the room front door as it knocked. "Usually, you're so relaxed. What's happened today?"

On the other side of the door Ethan's sister and brother-in-law sniggered. "I guess the prospect of getting married to Anika does that to you." The pair collapsed on the couch in laughter.

I tried to control my laughter.

"Seriously," Ethan scorned. He dropped into an armchair. "Do you think she's nervous too. I mean do you think Anika feels like this too. Why do I feel like this? Nothing is going to change. We already live together. The only difference is a piece of paper."

"How about I check on her," I offered.

"You would do that?" Ethan perked up.

"Of course. And I'll send someone to clean that up, before you hurt yourself." I reached out to open the room door. "And guys," I called out to Ethan's sister and her husband. "Go easy on him."

I closed the door behind me and turned left down the corridor. I caught up with housekeeping to get them to clean the room. I waited patiently as the housekeeper asked me to wait for a for a moment and she disappeared inside the room she was servicing.

As promised, she appeared less than a minute later. "Yes sir, what room was that?"

"Suite 734."

"No problem, sir."

A distant voice called out from the room. "Excuse me. Sorry to bother you again, but I don't suppose you have a pair of scissors." Y/N swung around the door her hair swishing as she did.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do."

But Y/N wasn't paying attention to her she was transfixed on me.

"Hi," I waved at her.

"Hi," she politely smiled back, taking the scissors from the housekeeper and closing her door.

"Are you going to Anika's room?" I asked her before she walked away.

"Uh huh." She nodded.

"Do you mind if I walk with you?"

She unconsciously bit her lip. "No not all."

I shoved my hands in my pocket and walked beside her.

"So," we both said at the same time.

Then we both chuckled simultaneously.

"You go first," she smiled.

"How are you?" I asked, wincing at my own words.

"I'm fine." She smiled.

Our steps matched as we walked through the hotel hallways.

"What were you going to say?"

"How Ethan was?"

A smile spread over my face. "He's a mess. What about Anika?"

"Aside from a few bridezilla tendencies, she relatively calm. I guess they switched roles today."

"Yeah. I guess they did." She stopped a step behind me. "Well, this is it?" She pointed at the door to her left.

"Right, yeah." I had forgotten why I was here. "Actually," I caught Y/N's hand before she knocked the door.

She looked up at me in confusion.

"You look beautiful."

Her mouth fell open, and so did the door.

"There you are Y/N. Do you have the scissors?" Anika's maid of honour bounced in the doorframe.

"Yeah," Y/N handed her the scissors.

Then it was just the two of us again.

"Can we talk Y/N."

She cleared her throat. "Not now."

I grazed my thumb over her cheek. "Please."

"That's not fair," she mumbled. It was barely audible. Then she pushed away my hand and escaped into the room.

I cut my losses. It wasn't time yet.

Then I sighed and made my way to find Anika.

"Wow. You look stunning," I praised her when I found her perched on the balcony.

"Thank you. The groomsmen tux's turned out great. You look fantastic." Then her forehead creased. "But you don't have a boutonnière."

"I'll grab one don't worry. I just came to see how you were doing. Ethan was desperate to know."

"Really," Anika beamed.

"Yeah. I'll be sure to tell him how lucky he is and this he is most definitely the one punching."

Anika smile grew wider and wider. "You always know exactly what to say to put someone at ease."

"No always," I groaned, recalling all the mistakes I made with Y/N. "Anyway, I'll leave you to it. I don't want to distract you will the photographer is here. I'll just grab a flower for my jacket."

I sourced the box of boutonnières by the door. I plucked on out and began fumbling to attach it to my tuxedo jacket.

My attempts went on for several minutes before Y/n came to my rescue. Her soft hands took over. She silently bobbed out her tongue in concentration as she pinned the rose to my lapel.

"Thanks." I watched as her hands retracted. "You always do everything better."

She blushed and took a step back to admire her work before she spun around. The dusty pink silk dress clung to her perfectly. But my view was short lived as she left the room almost vanishing that's how quick she left.

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