66. The Recording Pt. 2

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The time stamp was later now. After 21:00.

There was another knock at the door.

Y/N walked down the hallway, her hair damp and causing small droplets to drip on her pyjamas, changing the colour.

Y/N peered through eye piece and then opened the door.

"Can I help you?" Y/N asked.

"Hi, I'm Bethan. I live in the apartment over there." Bethan pointed over Y/N's shoulder and out the window to her apartment.

"Okaaaaaay," It was clear the Y/N was still confused with this teenager had appeared at her door.

"I see your balcony from our apartment all the time. It's beautiful. We. I mean me, my mom, my brother and our housekeeper moved in not too long ago and I'm basically using your balcony as inspiration. I definitely need to find that swinging seat."

"Oh, well thank you." Y/N was interrupted by her phone ringing. She looked down the hall to her room, where she had left her phone. "You can come and look at if you want," she suggested.

"Really?" Bethan eyes lit up.

"Yeah. Come in." Y/N let her in and directed her to the balcony. "I just need to get this call."

A few minutes past and Y/N emerged back from her room.

"Is it just as inspiring in person?" Y/N queried as she found Bethan gently swinging back and forth on the chair.

"Yeah. It's beautiful." Bethan was mesmerised. It looked like she was zoning out. "Can't you imagine sitting here with someone who cares about you most in the world." It was eery the way Bethan's eyes were glassy. Then she cleared her throat. "Anyway, the reason I came," she suddenly started saying. "I'm having a party tomorrow and just wanted to let you know, just so that you are aware. I don't want to upset the neighbours so soon after moving in. My friend and I plan to be on the balcony so you can expect a bit of noise."

Y/N smiled. "Thanks for letting me know. I'll keep that in mind."

"No problem." Bethan jumped up from the seat. "I should get going. My brother will probably be waiting for me."

Y/N nodded and led Bethan back inside. "You are your brother are close?"

Bethan paused. "Yeah. He would do anything for me."

"Good. That's the best way to be." She walked ahead of Bethan to get the door.

"You actually know him," Bethan rushed.

"I do?" Y/N said in surprise.

"Yeah. Benjamin Kingsley."

Y/N turned back to Bethan. "You're Ben's sister?"

"Yup." Bethan moved to leave and then stopped. She took her contemplating. "You know you should be more grateful to him."

"I'm sorry."

"He really likes you. I've never heard him talk about someone they way he talks about you. I can see why. You're quite nice. You're warm. I think that's what he has always needed. He just didn't know it before."

Y/N raised her eyebrow at what this essentially child was inferring to.

"You're quite pretty. You work just as hard as he does. I heard you're funny. You won't just be in it for the money. Your stubborn which could be a problem but Ben needs to be challenged sometimes."

Y/N giggled dryly. "Is this some kind of joke?"

Anger flashed through Bethan's eyes. "Do you know how much courage it takes to tell someone how you feel?"

"Look," Y/N stopped Bethan. "I appreciate you are looking out for your brother. But honestly this is none of your business. I just don't feel that way about your brother. Did he put you up to this? It's lowkey creepy."

Bethan lunged forward. "Why can't you see you're the only one who can make him happy the way he deserves to be?" Bethan grabbed the back of Y/N's neck. Bringing Y/N's face close to hers.

"Ow," Y/N yelped, clutching the back of her head, trying to release herself from Bethan's grip.

"You don't see it know," Bethan seethed. "But you will see it one day. No one is better for you than him. How can you not love him? You have to love him," she instructed Y/N.

The terror and surprise on Y/N's face was abundant.

Bethan let go of Y/N with a rough shove.

Then in a blink of an eye, Y/N staggered back, and she lost her footing. On her descent to the ground her head smacked off the table and with a thud she landed on the floor, blood beginning to seep from her head.

The whole team jumped while watching the interaction.

But it didn't end there.


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