40. The office

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Spencer, Penelope and Emily pulled up outside Y/N's place of work.

As they walked in, Emily pulled Spencer back.

"Don't speak if you don't have to." She dropped Spencer arm and strode towards Penelope who was already in the revolving door

Spencer pulled at the hem of his jacket straightening it out. This was the first time he was going to see Y/N in weeks. He had no idea what her attitude towards him was going to be like now.

Stepping inside, the lobby was a buzz with the staff filing in and congregating by the security barriers lining up to get in.

Emily and Penelope made their way to the front desk, enquiring about meeting Y/N.

Spencer stood a few feet behind looking up at the glass balcony that ran across the perimeter above them. Like he had many times before. But today was different. Normally he would be looking up waiting to see Y/N shuffle down the walkway trying to leave the building but getting stopped numerous times on the way. She would shoot him apologetic looks over the edge every time and it would make him chuckle every time.

"I'm sorry ma'am, Miss Y/L/N diary is full today, unless you have an appointment you won't be able to see her today." The receptionist regretfully informed them.

"You don't understand we..." Emily was about to drop her credentials, but the receptionist peered around Emily.

"Dr Reid?"

Spencer looked away from the gallery. "Good morning, Oliver."

"You're here to see Y/N?"

Spencer stepped forward; arms crossed. "Yes. These are my friends, Emily and Penny. There her to see her too."

"Y/N got back from Chicago this morning and she's pretty busy today, but you can head up to her see her. Just sign in with Mike." Oliver pointed at one of the security guards.

"Perfect. Thank you." Spencer turned on his heels.

Just as he stepped away Oliver interrupted him. "We haven't seen you around here much?"

Spencer shrugged avoiding the question and allowing Emily and Penny to lead the way.

They signed in and followed Spencer to Y/N's office.

He was greeted by people who recognised him as he drifted past them, but his footsteps faltered as he reached the top of building.

Y/N sat at her desk surrounded by her excessive number of computer screens, frowning at the screen and bouncing her leg up and down.

She felt eyes on her. She looked up from the screen, her gaze resting on Spencer. Her frown deepened. She was disappointed that I hadn't complied with her request. She hadn't even noticed Emily and Penelope.

She rolled her chair back and jumped up off the seat. She smoothed down her trouser. Around her shoulders her chunky, slouchy, knit cardigan slid off one her shoulders. She paced over to the glass, standing directly parallel to Spencer on the opposite side of the glass.

Y/N's head cocked to the side, and she mirrored Spencer's posture and folded her arms too. She attempted to look him in the eye. Spencer lifted his right hand and gave a small, stiff wave. She pursed her lips, gave a shallow smile, looked away and moved to open the door, popping her head out the door.

"Are you alright?" She gripped the door frame. She was worried but annoyed to admit it.

"Yeah... er... yeah. I'm fine." Spencer ran his hands through his hair, taking a step closer to you. The closing distance between, made Y/n lift her head so that she was still looking at him.

"Oh..." She blinked rapidly. "I just thought that... Never mind." She sighed deeply. She thought that Spencer would only come to her if he really had to. Surely, he respected her enough to listen heed her decisions. "Why are you here then?"

Spencer cleared his throat.

But Emily took over the conversation. "It's for a case."

Y/N finally noticed that Spencer hadn't come alone.

Emily looked over her shoulder. "Can we come inside?"

Y/N nodded and staggered backwards letting the trio in. Her breathing hitched as Spencer slid past her, his eyes on her the entire time. She didn't want the nostalgia associated with his familiar scent.

Y/N closed the door behind them. As she did the claw clip that she had haphazardly fastened in her hair, to keep it out her face, slid to the ground.

She crouched down to pick it up, but Spencer beat her to it, holding it out to her. She glanced up at him, her eyes peeking through the strands of her hair that swooped over her face.

She snatched the clip from his hand. She stood up and clipped her hair back. "What's this about?" She circled behind her desk, minimising her screens.

"How long have you been associated with the Nebula foundation?" Emily lowered herself in your seat at Y/N's desk.

Y/N was taken aback. She looked toward Spencer, who was running his fingers over the books on the shelf. "Longer than I care to remember."

"So, you know a lot if not most of the sponsors, donors and members." Penelope leaned across the desk.


"Ah, good. We need to know who the anonymous donors are."

Y/N chuckled. "You know there are anonymous for a reason."

"Y/N," Penelope whined.

"I don't know, Penny."

"Y/N we just need to know names. We'll do the rest." Emily interjected.

"But you will have to come in too. For protection." Penny's eyes were wild.

"Protection?" Y/N queried. "What's going on? What case are you investigating?"

"Y/N, we know this is a sore spot for you?" Emily glanced over her shoulder at Spencer. "Reid told us not to involve you."

"Did he know," Y/n remarked, not lifting her eyes off her hands.

"He told JJ," Penelope muttered under her breath, but they all heard it. She was unable to keep the truth in.

"Of course, he did." Y/n rested her chin in her hand. She swivelled around in her chair, facing the city that lay beyond the window. "Just tell me what the case is?"

"There have been multiple homicides. The only link we can see right now is the foundation."

Y/N sat up straight. "Who?"

"Angela Lawman, Ugo Mbappe and Sebastian Valastro." Penelope read off the list.

"Shit." Y/N shook her head in disbelief. She scrambled to grab her phone.

"What are you doing?" Emily questioned her.

"Calling Miles. My brother." She rapidly dialled on her phone. "What about Carter and Kara?" She glanced up at Penelope.

Emily and Penelope raised their eyebrows.

"The Windsor's are fine, Y/N. But you know how they are. They can't speak up even if they want to." Spencer leaned back against the wall adjacent to Y/N.

She glared at him as she pressed the phone to her ear. "Miles! I swear next time I call you better answer faster than that... and yes I heard. I was just told."

"Y/N we should really get going?" Emily got out of her seat.

"Er... yeah." Y/N pulled the phone from her ear to check the time. "Miles I'll call you back. Just like stay home or something." She said bye and grabbed her jacket and bag. Spencer held the door open for them. Y/N stepped out and knocked on the door next to hers. "Mila, I'm not going to be in the office for the rest of today. Just take all my messages and keep on top of my emails please. Thanks."

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