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𝕾𝖔𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖓 went back downstairs. he thought that trying to talk to taehyun would be a better option, considering he already knew most part of his brother's side, that and the fact that the shorter boy was the one avoiding a conversation about the matter.

the brown haired found taehyun at the same place he was when the taller went after kai, sitting on the couch. he was there alone, with a cloth on his hand and cleaning his gun.

"tae?" hearing someone calling his name, the said male turned around, finding soobin staring at him. he hummed, indicating the older to continue.

"can we talk? we can go to the woods on the end of the street, i want to grab some plants and fruits for us to eat later." taehyun sighed softly, he already knew what talk they were going to have.

"yeah, sure. let me just go get my backpack." soobin nodded and went to sat on the chair beside the couch.

the younger boy got up and went to his room, opening the door and seeing beomgyu organizing his medical supplies, like he always did when he was anxious or nervous. taehyun didn't say anything, just walking to the corner of the room and grabbing his bag.

the long haired, even if with his back facing the door, knew who it was. he wanted to say something but realized he already did and said enough earlier, opting for staying quiet and worried about where his boyfriend was going.

"i'm going to the woods in the end of the street with your brother. if anyone ask, please tell them." not letting the long haired answer, taehyun got out of the bedroom, now carrying his backpack.

beomgyu looked behind him, staring at the door. he really wanted to make things right, not being able to imagine a life without the younger male.

when downstairs, taehyun tapped soobin's shoulder.

"let's go."

the duo went outside, walking just a couple of minutes until arriving at the end of the street, where the edge of a small forest was. they were still silent, not yet starting the conversation soobin wanted to have. it was like that for some time, before the taller bent down and started to check a specific plant on the ground, next to a tree.

"what happened? with you and gyu, that is." he said while using his fingers to feel the texture of the plant's leaves, and observing the patterns on it.

the other was just relied on a tree close to soobin, paying attention to any infected or noise. he stared at the older, seeing him cut the plant with a knife and put inside a bag, before answering his question.

"he said some things that hurt me. i didn't really want to talk about it because i didn't want to say shit but he insisted, then we fought. more hurtful things were said." taehyun shrugged.

"don't act like it's nothing, i know it's bothering you. i was there when he said shit for the first time, so i know what happened, tell me what you two talked when i was out with yeonjun." soobin got up, going to another plant that was a couple of steps away and doing the same process he did before. taehyun following behind.

"he wanted to talk, apologize for what he had said, but i was still hot headed and so told him i didn't want to talk." the younger boy sighed, looking around the trees. "he got frustrated, and angry. we both know he doesn't think when he's like that, so he told me i was overreacting and well, i exploded. i started yelling at him and, honestly, said some hurtful things to him too, including that maybe we should break up." at that, soobin snapped his head up to the side, looking at the other boy.

"why would you say that? i know you love him." the taller went back to looking at the plant, discarding it after seeing it wasn't an edible one.

"i do, but i was really angry. i still am, actually, but not as before." taehyun stopped talking and killed an eater that was coming in their way, before continuing. "i mean, what i told him it's a huge deal for me, i told him that, and he acted like it was nothing."

soobin nodded and started walking again, going to a bush with berries and analyzing if they were poisonous or not.

"tae, i can understand what you're coming from, my brother already did the same to me, saying fucked up things because he was angry. but he apologized to you, i mean tried to. you love him, and he loves you, so give him a chance to actually say sorry, i could see in his face how much he regretted what he did and i'm sure you could see it too." soobin picked all the berries that were ready be eaten, putting it in another little sack bag. "talk to him when you're ready and calm, and when you see he is too."

taehyun sighed for what felt like the hundredth time, nodding his head affirmatively. he knew soobin was right and he wanted to make up with beomgyu, he loved him after all.

"here, eat some." the taller said and gave taehyun a couple of berries he got. "by the way, i talked to kai. i think he understood what i said so i'm pretty sure he's going to come back talking to you soon. that's what i hope at least, i hate seeing us like this."

"yeah, thanks bin." the shorter gave soobin a small smile. he wasn't that affected by kai's actions because he already expect them, knowing his principles and way of thinking.

the two males spent more time collecting edible plants before going back to the house. in one of the times soobin bent down, taehyun was able to see the marks on his neck, making him smirk. it looked like the older was getting a little too close to the new addition to their group.

"i see you and yeonjun get pretty well." soobin frowned his brows, looking at the other.

"what do you mean? we don't get that well or something, just the normal i guess." he shrugged.

"the marks on your neck say otherwise though." taehyun smirked again, seeing the older's face get all red.

"shut up." soobin pushed the younger lightly. "just don't tell my brother, he will freak out." the taller sighed, earning a little chuckle and nod in return.

"sure thing, bin."

"let's just go, i already got enough food." soobin rolled his eyes and started going back to the street.

when both arrived at the house, the older patted taehyun's back before going to the kitchen to organize the plants he got. the shorter boy stayed behind, standing in the middle of the living room and taking a deep breath, going after his boyfriend then.


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