Umbrella (JakeHoon)

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I entered the coffee shop I am working for my shift just in time for my workmate to leave. It is still so early and it is so cold outside but because of the heater in the coffee shop, I'm not that cold.

I'm a working student. I'm Jake and I'm studying at the university near the coffee shop. I'm in college and I'm studying law. I want to follow in my grandfather's footsteps in becoming a lawyer because I just love studying law. Although my parents wanted me to take up business like them, I prefer this course. Plus, my brother is already taking up business courses so it is kinda settled.

They don't dislike my course tho, they're proud of me. They're in Australia by the way and they rarely cone visit me and I understand because they have a lot to take care of and I don't want to tire them off.

I am working even if they can provide me everything I want and need because I am saving up for something that I want too. I don't want to be too dependent on my parents, just like how my dad is towards my grandfather because someday, I will have to be on my own, I am preparing myself for that time.

My parents always send me money through my bank account but I don't really use them up. I only use them for my rent and other school stuff but if I want a new pair of shoes, I will buy it on my own. That's why I got this job.

It is a nice job and it pays me well and I enjoy it a lot. It also does not contradict with my studies and it doesn't distract me so it is a win win situation.

My shift starts from 5 am to 8 am. I'm only working three hours in the morning and in the afternoon, I work from the same time, 5 pm to 8 pm.

It is also very fortunate because my classes is at 9 am to 4:30 pm. You can say I can manage everything well, from my finances to my time. I'm enjoying life to be honest.

I prepared myself for another busy day of serving costumers on this very cold morning. Everyone wants to have a warm cup of coffee.

By the way, I'm on my last semester in college and it is my first day of the second semester too. Just a few months and I will really be a graduate and then I will take the exam and I will be a lawyer.

(Honestly, I don't know how to get a degree in law. But let us just imagine that)

I look up when I heard the door open and a guy covered in snow entered the coffee shop.

"Welcome . . what can I get you today?"

"I'll have a latte please, the large one. . . and I'll have some of the coffee cake thingy. "

I punch in his order and gave him his receipt before I began to make his order. I gaze towards him as he took off his coat getting rid of the snow on them before shaking his hair with his hand removing the snow as well.

Does he not have an umbrella with him? Did he just walk here with only his coat?

I finished making his coffee and brought it on his table where he is working with his laptop. Placing the mug and the plate on the table, I saw how his focus is on his work so I leave him alone.

Going back to the counter, I observed him and then I now recognize him. He always comes here everyday for a coffee. I didn't recognize him right away as I saw how he changed his hair color. He used to be blonde and now his hair is black. And he's wearing a uniform that of a police officer.

Is he a police officer?

I never saw him wear that uniform tho.

I can't deny, he's looking really handsome in his uniform but then I wonder why I haven't seen him wear those before and every time since winter started, he was always snowed on.

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