Past, Present, Future pt. 2

593 33 12


Warning: MPREG (again 😅)

*Six months later*

"Are you sure you don't wanna go to the doctors?"

"I told you Riki, I'm fine . it's just some bug or the ice cream I ate yesterday with Jungwon"

"Yeah, mint chocolate . . "

"Don't you dare continue with whatever you're gonna say about mint chocolate or I swear to God I will throw your bunggeoppang maker in the junk"

Urgh! He's so annoying. How dare he judge my mint chocolate when I say nothing about him torturing fruits before eating them. Microwaving strawberries, putting salt on watermelon, or don't get me started with him eating green grapes with lime juice.

"Sunoo I'm sorry and I will never judge your mint chocolate again. We good?"

Why is he suddenly looking so adorable?

"Aww. . your cheeks looks so squishy. . . yesterday you look good but why are you looking so adorable today I can't"

Why the heck am I crying?

Is it because his cheeks are so squishy?

Or because his cheeks are slightly pink?

"What's wrong?"

"We can go to the hospital but promise me you buy me everything I want?"

"Alright . . let's change and we will go to the mall after the doctors"

"Change? Why? Are my clothes ugly? Am I ugly?"

"No . . I just thought- - -"

"Fine I'll go change and trust me, I will be the most stunning creature you'll ever see. Wear some sunglasses, you might get blinded"

What's wrong with me?!

I put on some casual clothes because styling myself suddenly didn't sound good to me so I just stick to casual. I look good in anything anyway.

After I change, I followed Riki to his car and we drove to a hospital.


"So what's wrong with me? Am I sick?"

The doctor just smiled at me as she shook her head.

"You're not sick Sunoo. . . it's normal"

"Normal? Then why am I the only one having it? Why can't Riki be throwing up in the morning then?"

Riki looked at me with a confused look before the doctor let out a small laugh.

"I mean it's normal for pregnant people"

"Oh I see. . so the reason I am the only one experiencing it is because I'm pregnant? Oh well it says a lot and - - what?! I'm pregnant?"

"Yes ... you're in your first trimester. . four months . . I am actually surprised you didn't notice your belly growing a little bit"

"Yeah about that, he noticed it but after seeing it, he will get emotional saying he's getting fat. ."

How dare you Riki .  . .

"Yah! You agreed with me and even offered me to work out with you"

"Well, congratulations to the both of you . . . come back to me if you feel anything unusual so we will get you checked immediately"


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