Butterfly HeeNu (FINAL)

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I was wide awake back in my apartment as my emotions are all over the place. I'm happy that I saw him again, I'm happy to know that he's doing well, I'm disappointed that he assumed my feelings for him, I am mad that he hid my daughter away from me, I'm angry because he cut me off his life without talking to me and I'm sad that I didnt get to know my own child. The fact that she recognized me and I don't, I can't imagine how she felt at that time.

All these years, Geonu hyung have been feeling so insecure of my feelinga for him making me think that if only I told him earlier, I told him how I feel earlier, then maybe things has gone better for the both of us. But I'm also unsure. We're both unsure and now Nabi has to grow up with the memory of her own father not recognizing her.

We both feared losing each other. We both got scared of the fact that we don't feel the same when in fact, we do. If only one of us had that courage, if only I had that courage to speak up, Nabi would have not experienced getting laughed at because her father in a photo is non existent.

My hands grab my phone as I dial someone, someone who's been with me in the moments that I thought I would go crazy.


"Jay. . . I hope I didn't call at the wrong moment"

"No. . . Wonie just fell asleep . . what is it?"

"I just need someone to talk to . . ."

"I'll be there in a few minutes. . ."

I place my phone on my bed as I wipe my face that has been wet with tears for a few minutes now.

A few moments later, I heard him ring my door so I went and open it.

He just gave me a smile before we went to my dining table as he place the plastic bag he's holding on top.

"Have you eaten something at least?"

"No. . I'm too messed up to think about food"

"Let me cook this ramen first. Jungwon might really give me a roundhouse kick if he found out I gave you alcohol in an empty stomach"

The smell of ramen didn't even seem to get me to my senses which is weird. Ramen always help me.

He placed the bowl in front of me before occupying the chair in across mine. He opened the bottle of beer before he drank some as he took out some chicken to eat with the beer.

"So, not even a day in Seoul and you're already this messed up. . . and I can only think of one reason. ."

I just smiled realizing how I told Jay about my feelings for Geonu hyung and only him knows.

"I met him. . . he seems fine"

"Let me guess, it's either he's married or he rejected you"

Taking a bite from the chicken, I sighed.

"He has a daughter"

He nods beckoning me to continue as he gulp his beer. Seriously, he missed drinking. He can't drink when Jungwon is around, especially when he's now so sensitive in scents.

"That girl also happens to be my daughter"

That statement left Jay into a coughing fit after he choked on his beer. His face was red as he coughed violently that it scared me.

After he calmed down and after I finished the bowl and grab some bottle for myself, he took in a deep sigh before looking at me.

"You got him pregnant? How? Of course I know how, what I mean is how did it happen?"

ENHYPEN one shots Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin