For you (JakeHoon)

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[Hello sxhniki !! This is your request and I  hope you will like it. ENJOY!!😊]


He left again without saying goodbye or even a eating his breakfast, the breakfast I prepared for him.

I'm talking about my fiancé, Sunghoon. He's really an amazing guy and he's more than everything I ever needed in a partner but ever since he got promoted at work, his schedule became so hectic and packed that he's always so exhausted and tired making him immediately enter our bedroom when he comes home from work. In the morning, I will prepare his breakfast like I always did before but unlike before, the breakfast won't be touched when I will go check it. The food will just sit there like it wasn't even given a glance to.

I'm sad and hurt to be honest because it is like I have suddenly turned invisible in his eyes and the fact that he won't give a care for the meals I poured my heart to is the one that is like salts on wound in the point of view.

When he's still not promoted, he will always wait for me and eat breakfast with me, and then at night, we will eat dinner together. Sadly now, I will always eat alone.

However what makes it so painful for me today is because it is my birthday and I especially prepared us an amazing breakfast but he just left without even a Happy Birthday to cheer me up, not even a goodbye as always.

I can't help my tears from pouring down my face when I went down to an empty dining room and untouched food on the table.

Not even a text from him or even a flimsy note.

I missed him so much that it hurts and I just really want him back. The person I loved who always make sure to drive me to work and fetch me after to ensure my safety. The person who won the basketball championship for his team just to ask me to be his boyfriend. The one who cooked all my favorite meals to celebrate our anniversary. The one who missed an important interview just so he could take care of me when I'm sick. And the person who will always kiss my forehead, my cheek, my nose and my lips as he bid me goodbye, good morning and when he comes back from work.

The cuddles are also gone because he's too tired to even move to wrap me around his arms.

I just place the lid on the food throwing it in the fridge that is also storing the cake I bought that I now think might go bad because I don't think anyone will eat it.

I just went back to my room and cried not caring if I'll miss work today. It's my birthday anyway so I will just tell them that I went out to celebrate.

I held his pillow close to my chest as my eyes gaze at the bedside drawer where I place a supposed surprise but the happiest day yet in my life is now gone and I don't think he will even notice that when he comes home.

I love to be in this relationship but I'm so hurt that I don't know how long I will last till I give up and call it quits.

I didnt even notice how I tire myself out from crying that I literally fell asleep with my work clothes still on.


I woke up and it is already one in the afternoon so I just went down and drink some water before forcing myself to eat. This is the moment where I must not miss a meal because missing a meal is like missing a week's worth of food for me.

I ate the food that I cooked and sadly, I tasted nothing but sourness, bitterness and sadness.

After I ate, I went back to our shared bedroom and changed into my house clothes before falling on the bed once again as I grab my phone and began to scroll through social media before I went to YouTube to find something to cheer me up but it is no use.

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