Babysitter Pt. 2 (SunKi)

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[Hi guys!!! I'm so sorry I thought I uploaded this chapter🤣🤣. I was waiting for your comments but it's not coming then I checked and I did not freaking upload it! 🤣🤣. Anyway, enjoy!]


I have never seen a baby cry this hard after their parent left for work. I mean, I understand that they will cry sooner or later but this kid is a winner for crying fifteen minutes straight by the door, not willing to move as if his dad will come back if he cry more.

I also kinda don't approve of Sunoo's attitude at first. I mean, I won't ever leave my child alone to someone I met for less than thirty minutes because I have work to do. I mean, I don't care if my mom recommended them but I won't do what he did. What if I'm just pretending so I can enter his house and steal his belongings or even kidnap his kid? He won't know a thing.

I mean, I get it, it is so important but I would just take my son with me to work, I don't care.

His mom also, I can't believe she just left me here without a proper introduction or conversation with Sunoo.

But still, I don't know the whole picture so I can't blame him. He's lucky tho, I really adore him so here I am.

I have a crush on him before and maybe until now so yeah, I am willing to help him and maybe he will like me, maybe. If he doesn't then tough luck, I will just drag my ass back in Japan and grow old alone while taking care of foxes, you know what I mean? I began liking him when I got here in Korea and I saw him with my sister. She told me he's a good friend and then I saw him in person but I'm too much of a coward to step out of my room so I just watched him.

I'm creepy I know, I will also smack my self back then for doing so.

Anyway, the kid is still crying and it has been 20 minutes. Guess what I did, nothing. I just sat beside him just in case he decided to ran to the stairs and fall down or he might have a face full of floor, we never know. At least I'm here.

He seem to have no plans on stopping at all.

Just then, he crawled to my direction and make grabby hands so that's when I carry him up and we walk to his and his father's room to wash him up as his face is full of tears, sweat and snot. Plus his body is so sweaty from all the crying.

The thing I learn about babies I don't know if it applies to everyone but if a baby is crying because his parent is nowhere to be seen, I cannot just step in and scoop him into my arms or it will make them scared of me thinking that whenever I'm here, their parent will leave.

So in cases like this, I will just watch over them to make sure they're safe and when their parents aren't back even after their crying, it will tell them that they indeed left and so they will then turn to the person in the room with them.

Don't think they trust you just because of that because babies can literally tell if the person they're with is dangerous or friendly, now that is up to you.

Riko actually calmed down and after washing him up, I went to the kitchen and make his porridge. Sunoo's mom told me how Riko has a very weak appetite and he won't eat even for a day if no one forced him to. Now this is the tricky part because Sunoo never really told me what Riko wants to eat or something he likes to snack on.

The moment Riko sees the bowl I'm holding, he began to throw a tantrum. And by tantrum, I mean crying while flinging his body left and right that if I'm not holding him properly, he will either fall down or break a bone. Why is he acting like this tho?

I immediately hid the bowl and he stopped moving so I brought him with me to the fridge and when I open it, his little arms immediately went inside and grip a bottle of Coke.

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