19 years ago Pt. 2 (JakeHoon)

371 20 7


Mom pulled out another photo album after I asked her what happened then. Her tears fell immediately when I open the photo album with my dad holding a sonogram while posting for a photo.

He looks so happy, his eyes almost close, his smile is blinding and his small dimple is peeking out.

"He looks so happy . ."

"The photo does not justify his happiness back then"

The next photos was them as mom's belly grew and as they prepare a what looks like a nursery room with my name on the wall. The other photos was their time in the hospital and mom said she's close to labor that time and dad took a photo of her when she fell asleep.

When I turn over to the last photo, it is a picture of the three of us. Mom is seated on the bed with my dad beside her. They both are smiling as I was held by my dad and mom has her arms linked to my father's. They look so happy and I look so tiny.

"That's our last photo before he.. . . . before   . - - -"

"Before he was taken away from us?"

"Yeah . ."

I grab the other photo album but they just contain me and my mom as I grow up.

"No . . . it can't be .  .  . I'm not even one day old . .  why? Why is it so soon? . . "

I took our first and last family photo but the moment I saw the date, my whole world seem to collapse.

0 8 / 1 2 / 2 0 2 5

My father died on my birthday.

"Your dad told me when he held you for the first time, you are the best gift he has ever received on his 23rd birthday"

"So . . . December 08 is also his birthday?"

She nodded and I can't help but to try to incorporate in my mind how my mother has been everytime December 08 comes every year.

She has to sort out her feelings and maybe that's why she always leaves on mornings. Because she will visit dad maybe to wish him a happy birthday and also to forcefully feel the pain of another year of his death. While she will return to me, she must sort her emotions out to be happy for my birthday.

I can't help but hug her as I mutter apologies towards her. I didn't know. Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't she share her burden with me? Why did she allow me to live a happy and peaceful life while she deals with this on her own?

The man she loved, the father of her child, her happily ever after was taken away from her in the moments where it should be her most joyous one.

"you just fell asleep so he placed you back in your small bed. . . then a man with a gun barged in and he's so angry when he saw the three of us. . . he shot your father on the spot as he screams like a psychopath. . . your dad could've survived if one bullet hit him. . . however, he took in two bullets for himself and three for you. . the man also wanted to kill you but. . . - - -"

"That's enough mom . .  I've heard enough. . .please no more. . ."

"I'm sorry . . . I can't tell you this earlier because I can't . . I don't want to ruin your peace. . So I waited till this day. I even reconsider telling you this after your 20th birthday but . .- -"

"I'm sorry . . and thank you . . if you told me this sooner, I don't know what have become of me because I might have not the strength I have now to handle it . . . . I'm fine now mom . . ."

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