I-Land 'ENHYPEN' pt. 2 (JakeHoon)

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Everyone is holding their breaths as we're lined up on the stage ready for the announcement of the final line up for debut. The nine of us are all hoping to be called and I definitely want to be one. After all those times I have proven my ability and my skills, I hope it is enough for the viewers to vote for me. I want to debut with everyone, especially Sunghoon.

Without him, I don't think I will make it this far, I might even be eliminated on the first round.

I am sure Sunghoon will debut, because he has proven himself on every stage of the competition and he's never lost his badge. If he does debut, he can expect me to be having his back for life.

The fifth spot is announced and we all knew who it was, Heeseung hyung. On the first day of the competition, he's already someone everyone agreed to be on the debut line. He's the main character.

Riki came in next making him immediately burst into tears. I am happy he will debut because if he won't, he'll be HYBE's biggest lost in an artist. I bet companies will already be lining up to cast him. He worked hard to be on this spot and he's so talented. I'm so happy he's over there.

When I was called, my heart almost jump out my chest and because of the intense pounding, I had to really bend down and calm my breathing because I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.

"You made it .. "

For a brief moment, I heard Sunghoon whisper that in my ear when I hugged him.

"You will too"

I replied before I let go and went forward to speak. I can't help but feel nervous. I should be feeling ecstatic but seeing Sunghoon still standing in line makes me nervous.

After I gave my speech, I went to the debut zone where Riki and Heeseung hyung are waiting for me.

Jay was next one to be called and the smile on Heeseung's face is so bright and I can't help but tear up a bit when he hugged Jay the moment he came up to the debut zone. The two have been friends for like five years and I bet it is the best experience to be debuting together.

"Sunghoon will come, don't be too tensed. . . he must be here. ."

"I'm scared . . ."

"This competition is full of surprises. . remember when I was in third place?"

I laughed as he mentioned that and I got to release an amount of tension in my nerves.

"Sunghoon and I came here as a unit, we survived till this time and we will continue as a member of this group. ."

Jay is probably the one who has the biggest trust in Sunghoon's debut. I have shared rooms with him some times and he will always tell me whenever I feel down that I must go all out in this competition because in case he won't make it, at least Sunghoon will still have a friend in the group.

He has doubts in himself but has faith in Sunghoon and Heeseung.

And I can't help but feel so nervous again because Sunghoon is still over there when the first place was announced.

Jungwon, then stepped forward to give his speech before coming towards us where Jay immediately pulled him in his embrace before we could even step forward to congratulate him. Its amazing how we have three leader materials in the team, Jay, Heeseung and Jungwon. It is also amazing how these three have an amazing bond.

I took a glance at Riki who is in tears as he gaze towards the remaking four. His eyes won't leave the stage and I know for sure just like me, he's waiting for a certain someone to be called. I have seen Riki rely on K hyung, Jay and Heeseung hyung but no one in I Land have actually seen him struggle the most except for Sunoo. The two's relationship I think developed in the ground and even in I land, we all can see that.

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