im sorry, not an update

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Hello everyone. . .

I'm gonna pause here for a while because I literally have no time in my hands right now because this ass joined probably more than she could handle in school activities so I need to rest for a while.

Lesson for the day, its alright to join more school activities because it will engage you and such but think first if you can handle it, not only physically but also mentally.

Remember to always take care of yourself and keep pushing, you're almost there.

I will return making one shots and I hope you'll help me by dropping in some ideas for me to write on my 'ahem' *comeback* hehe.

Drop those stories.

Also please I need patience from you again guys because I will really rest for the meantime. I will never join anything at school again for gods sake haha.

Anyways this is just an update and I'm sorry if you're expecting another one shot. I promise I'll make it up to you.

On another note, Christmas is coming 😁.

What gift do you want from this author?  Except money and anything material because I have none of those hahahaha

I will be back in a few days to read your comments.

thank you so much😊

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