Soulmate (Jaywon)

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm as I shut it off and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. It is my first day at work so I must leave a good impression. Plus, I'm gonna meet new students today which is always exciting to me.

I'm Yang Jungwon, and I just got hired in a preschool as a teacher. I am a teacher by the way and I will take this as an experience first before I will be applying to bigger elementary schools.

I am the eldest in the family and it is just us and our mom because our dad passed away not too long ago. I want to work to help provide for us since my siblings will be starting school soon and I don't want them to go through the same path I had to go to just to graduate.

I bid my mom goodbye and my younger brother and sister who are having their breakfast.

I happily skipped to the preschool as I prepared the classroom. The shelves are already clean and so are the desks and the floors. It seems like the only missing element are the students which I can see are already coming in.

Children excitedly entered the classroom as they all pick their spot on the desks arranged. One kid however didnt seem to fancy this arrangement. He is just sitting on the corner of the rows and he doesn't seem to like to be in here.

No worries, that's normal for kids their age.

"Good morning kids. . I'm your teacher. I'm Yang Jungwon but you can call me Wonie . . . now may I also know what I can call you?"

Students raised their hands with enthusiasm as they are excited to either say their name or they're hyped up by the fact that their classmates also raised their hands. Children start off like this most of the time and some of them might cry for their parents leaving but then after they experience the fun, they won't even notice that time has passed by.

I called the students one by one and they all say their names as well as their age. Some of them even mentioned what they love to do in their homes.

Once everyone is finished, my eyes gaze at the back and in the corner, a kid was seated there with her knees hugged closely to her chest and her head was hung low. She's not seated on the desks.

Because I don't want her to get unnecessary attention from the other kids because that would make her more uncomfortable, I gave the children their first activity which is just playing with legos and puzzles, you know those toys in the preschool.

I approached the girl with caution because she looks like she doesn't want anyone to notice her.


I smiled at her and she peeks through her lashes making me have a glimpse of her eyes and boy are they pretty.

"Your eyes are pretty. . I'm Jungwon. .  what about you?"

"I'm . . Haewon . . "

She's too shy to even look at me. How can I make her interact with others then? How can I interact with her?

"Are you alright?"


"Can you tell me why?"


I sat in front of her as I glance at the other kids playing with each other.

"Because we're friends. . and I want to help you . and make you happy when you're sad"

"Really? . . that's what mommy used to tell me . . . "

"Really? . . . "

"But she's not alive anymore"

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