Into the Island Pt. 3

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- Gender Switch because .. . I also have no idea . . but enjoy!!]

The siblings managed to eat fish for breakfast the next day and some apples. They're not worried somehow because they have a lot of food but at that night, after they ate their dinner, Jay couldn't sleep.

After his siblings all fell asleep, at least that's what he thought, Jay went outside as he look over the sea and the moon shining over the waters.


Jay turn to his side as his twin brother sat beside him.

"Do you have any idea how we're gonna escape from here?"

Jay asked in a worried voice making Sunghoon sigh.

"I have no idea . ."

Jay let out a small laugh before a tear fell of his eyes.

"How did we end up like this? And how come we're still stuck here? It's been four days. I can't bear another day Sunghoon. Seeing you, Gena, and Riki in this situation is driving me insane. I don't know how to face another day again"

Sunghoon totally understood how Jay is feeling as he can see his brother slowly loosing himself as the day passed. The two younger siblings could not see it in one glance but Sunghoon can see right through his brother.

"You don't have to worry about us Jay. We're in this together and we're hurting as much as each other but don't worry. Jay you have no idea how Gena is a strong girl at her age. Before we met, I was knocked unconscious by a wave. Gena might have seen me by then. She swam towards me and followed me as I float on the ocean. When I was conscious, that's when I saw how she's getting exhausted so I went to her. I know you're hurting because you don't want to see us in this situation but we just have to be strong for each other. The two youngsters are more strong minded than we have thought. Just imagine what Riki went through when he woke up alone after the wreck"

Jay smiled thinking about his younger siblings.

"I guess you're right . . . this is better than loosing any one of you . . . I just hope we will get rescued soon. I wonder how mom and dad are doing tho"

Sunghoon sighed, that's where he's defeated. Thinking about how their parents might be thinking right now makes them wanna cry. Their parents are probably having a hard time back home.

"I don't know. I just hope that they're doing fine"

The next morning Jay woke up alone in the cave immediately alerting him and so he went outside and managed to locate them in the beach.

"Hey . . . what's up?"

Jay walked towards them and indeed, the morning breeze is amazing making the youngest of them ran towards the sea in his undershirt as he splashes with the water.

"Hyung! Gena! The water is fine"

The other two joined their brother as Gena sat watching them from the beach not planning on swimming today as wet undergarments are uncomfortable for her.

Just as the brothers are having a good time, a sound caught Gena's attention.

"Is that a motor boat?"

Gena whispered to herself as she stood up trying to locate the sound of the vehicle and indeed, a motor boat is headed their direction.

"Jay! Sunghoon! Riki! A motor boat!"

She exclaimed taking her brothers' attention. The motor boat is heading their way and the moment it reached the shore, they saw a man about Jay's age get off the vehicle.

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