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-The Next Morning-

I rub my eyes as I turn over hitting my alarm clock to shut it off, it takes a few attempts...

I yawn, sitting up as I stretch my arms with a quiet groan. I push my duvet off of me as I step off my bed, I walk over to my closet.

I slide the door open as I look for something to wear, a task I should have completed yesterday.

I grab my black cargo pants, black long sleeve belly top and my black high top converse. I usually don't wear belly tops but why not try something new for the new school year..

I change into my outfit and go the bathroom, I put on perfume and brush my long, brunette hair along with my teeth before heading downstairs.

I grab an apple and my bag before I run out the door, hoping I'm not late. I get to my car before realising I forgot my car keys, I groan, dropping my head against the car window before going back inside.


I park my car and get out locking it before walking up to the school building. My best friend, Gabriel stands at the door with his phone in his hand.

"Hey, Gab." I walk up the steps and kick the side of his leg, not too hard but enough to grab his attention.

"Yo." He nods and we walk into the school. We walk to our lockers which were right next to each other's.

"Where's Camila?" I asked him whilst grabbing my books for my classes.

"I don't kno-oh my god, turn around." His eyes widen and he looks in shock before I turn around.

I look towards the door to see Maddie, my girlfriend who is also the 'popular girl'.She wears a pink belly top which looks awfully tight against her chest and along with it she wears a pink skirt with some white shoes. Her long, blonde hair is half up, half down with curls at the ends.

Her two best friends Kenzie and Sarah walk at either side of her. She starts walking towards me and my heart quickens. What is she doing?

She comes up smiling and leans against the locker next to mine with books in her hand.

"Hey, babe." She smiles.

"Babe?!" Gabriel whispers loudly. I turn to him still in shock, I thought she would pretend I didn't exist...If I'm going to be honest, it's what I prepared for.

"Hi." I turn back to her, smiling.

"What class do you have first?" She asks me.

"Um...French." I roll my eyes, I hate French.

"Great, me too. Come on let's walk together." She smiles holding one of her hands out with books in the other.

I shut my locker and look over at Gabriel who stands with his mouth wide open in shock, I slide my fingers through Maddie's and she smiles.

"Meet up for lunch at the bench." I smile at Gabriel and he just blinks.

Maddie starts pulling me to get away from Gabriel, I looked around feeling nervous from the looks and whispers from some people.

"Ignore them, they're jealous." She tells me and I look up at her before nodding.

We walk into French and take a seat at the back table next to each other.

"Miss St.James." Miss Martin says.

"Yes miss?" She smiled up at the teacher.

"Do you think that outfit is appropriate for school?" Miss Martin raises an eyebrow staring at her as she leans back against her desk.

"Yes I do, why do you have a problem with what I wear?" Maddie asks, crossing her arms on the table.

"Not at all, but when you're wearing a outfit like that, which is not school appropriate...Then I have to say something."

"If you 'have' to say something you could just compliment me instead of terribly trying to dress code me, okay?" Maddie smiles, sarcastically as a few of our classmates laugh. Miss Martin sighs.

"You're here for learning, it's not a fashion show, Miss St.James."

"And you're here for teaching not judging my outfits or am I wrong?" A few people start laughing more and Miss Martins face begins to go red.

"Principals office now." Miss Martin raises her voice and I jump out of shock at the sudden raised voice.

Maddie rolls her eyes before standing up, she grabs her things. She kisses the back of my head before smiling and walking out.

Miss martins raises an eyebrow at me and I smile awkwardly, I've always loved Miss Martin even though I hate French...now I'm afraid she might think I'm like Maddie-which isn't a bad thing, we're just not alike.

Miss Levine {wlw, teacherxstudent}Where stories live. Discover now