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"Ugh! My head is killing me", James said coming down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

"That's just your brain trying to comprehend it's own stupidity",  Grace said from her seat on the couch without taking her eyes off the book she was reading.

She looked up when she heard someone laugh. It was Sirius. He ran away from his house last year and showed up at the Potters doorstep drenched from head to toe with only 2 suitcases in hand. He looked like he'd been through hell and back. It was 2 in the morning and Grace was the only one awake, because she couldn't sleep, so she was just sat by the fire reading. When she heard the banging she got scared for a bit because Mr and Mrs Potter were out on auror business, leaving her and James alone that night. She had her wand out even though she wasn't allowed to use magic outside of school, but the stranger outside didn't need to know that. When she did open the door she saw Sirius. He just whispered a  'Hi '  and then collapsed. She had dragged him inside and managed to put him on the sofa, and his luggage on the floor next to it. She had then rushed to James' room to wake him up, and they stayed by Sirius' side all night and they cleaned his bruises with the muggle first aid kit their mother had. They stayed up all night till their parents got home, and then explained the situation. He had been living with the Potters since then.

"Hey you're my best friend! Stop laughing it wasn't even that funny!!" He said to Sirius. 

"Sorry mate, but you gotta admit that that was at least a little bit funny" He said trying to hold in his laughter. Key word: trying.

James just rolled his eyes at him."Why must you be so bitchy and rude to me all the time?" He asked turning back to his younger sister.

"I'm not being bitchy nor rude I'm just stating the honest truth." Grace said before mumbling, "As I'm sure Evans would agree."

"How dare you bring Lilypad into this." He gasped dramatically before throwing a pillow at her face.

"Yes well your Lilypad still thinks that you're an, and I quote, 'arrogant little toe-rag'" Grace retorted catching the pillow and fixing her glasses before putting the pillow on the sofa so she could rest her head on it.

"She's got a point, mate. Just accept it. Evans will never say yes. You've been trying to get her to say yes for 5 bloody years now!" Sirius said.

James gasped dramatically, "How dare you two! Lily will go out with me I just know it besides 6th years the charm."

"That's what you said last year too, and the year before that, and the year-"

"Yeah, yeah!" James cut Sirius off waving his hand, "but this is the year, Padfoot. I just know it. Lily Evans will finally go out with me" James slung and arm around Sirius, and sighed dreamily probably thinking of all the ways he was going to harass Lily into going out with him.

"You know I never understood why you call each other those nicknames" Grace said, confused.

Both boys simply chuckled nervously before saying at the same time, "Inside joke."



"Ready kids?" Mom asked. 

"yep" Grace said.

"Was born ready" James.

"Hell yeah" Sirius.

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