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Grace made her way to where she thought Sirius was: the room of requirements. A room that the marauders had discovered back in their 4th year. She knew she was right when she saw Sirius sitting there again looking like a mess.

"You know I really need to stop finding you like this" She joked, but he just looked at her and tried to smile.

"Want to talk about it?" She looked at him as she sat down. "For real this time"

He shook his head, and Grace sighed .

"You know you can't just push down your feelings whenever it gets too much. Sometimes you need to let it out. Talk about it to make you feel better"

"I- I did something horrible" He whispered.

"What horrible thing did you do that made Remus so angry?" She asked.

"I led Snive- no no nevermind" He kept shaking his head that was in his hands and rocked back and forth.

Why couldn't they just tell me? Grace thought. What is so horrible that they need to keep it a secret?

She just shook her head as she yet again failed to find out what happened. Instead she leaned forward and hugged him. After around thirty minutes he finally calmed down.

"Why are you here, Gracie?" He questioned no longer crying but just sad.

"To check up on you, and make sure you're ok" She said as if it was obvious.

"Shouldn't you be checking up on Remus instead?" He laughed yet it sounding fake - cold.

She scoffed. "Fine. You don't want me here? I'll leave then"

But before she could even properly stand Sirius was already pulling her back down. When she was finally sat back down he turned her face towards him as she tried to look away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I do want you" When she looked at him confused at the last sentence he quickly corrected himself. "here- here. I do want you here. Please don't leave."

"As long as you don't treat me like shit, sure" She smiled.

Sirius fake gasped and pointed at her. "Grace Euphemia Potter! How dare you curse"

Grace laughed at the use of her middle name. "Oh please Sirius. You've said way worse"

He laughed as the tense atmosphere faded into a comfertable silence as they both looked at each other. Sirius' eyes kept moving from her eyes to her lips as he kept moving closer until they were mere inches apart. He looked at her one more time as if asking for permission and when she nodded he knew that it would be ok if he closed the gap in between them.

And before she knew it his lips were on hers. She froze at first but slowly relaxed into the kiss. The kiss then became a full on make out session. Her hands were in around his neck, playing with his hair while Sirius' one hand was around her waste while the other was on her cheek.

They both broke apart to catch there breath as their foreheads touched.

"Nothing?" He asked.

She sighed, "nothing, sorry"

"Same, it's fine" He sighed. "I'm going to apologise to Remus' again. Try to make it up to him."

"Yeah okay." Grace nodded and leaned back against the couch as she watched him leave. She was just glad that this wasn't her first kiss. That award could go to Remus.

After a few minutes she got up and walked out. She saw a few people looking at her but ignored it. She fixed her glasses and hair as well as her yellow tie that got messed up and was now a bit crinkled.

She kept getting strange looks and it was making her a bit uncomfortable. She really hated being in the spot light. Usually she could ignore the attention she got - purely for being James' sister - but this time it was more out of jealousy and hatred than envy.

She was pushed against the wall with strong arms on each side of her as her brown eyes met grey-blue ones for the second time today.

"Screwing my blood-traitor brother now Potter?" He scowled.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Oh please" He rolled his eyes. "Don't act so innocent. I know you slept with him. The whole school knows"

"The whole school thinks I slept with Sirius Black?" She asked raising a brow, amused.

"Yeah, apparently someone saw you two" He kept on glaring at her like she ripped his notes or something.

"And you believed them?" She laughed.

"Well did you?" He asked irritated.

"So what if I did?" She decided to lead him on and let him believe that she did sleep with with his brother.

"Let's just say that he's good. Really good." She said sighing dreamily to mess with him further and smirked when she saw Regulus narrow his eyes and get angry.

"Why? Jealous it wasn't you?" She provoked him further.

He just growled. "You're coming with me"

"And if I don't want to?" She asked although she already knew the answer.

"You don't have much of choice" He muttered looking her in the eyes. He looked around them and when he saw that no one was there he cast a cloaking spell on her to hide her and a spell to prevent her from running.

"Let me go, asshole." She shouted, but he just silenced her with another spell preventing any noise from coming out as he dragged her with his wand to the Slytherin common room. Her eyes widened as she started to regret provoking him. She couldn't even get her wand because her hands were a bit tied up at the moment.

Regulus said the password and led her to what looked to be his dorm room. He dragged her in and then proceeded to remove all the spells off her. He put a silencing spell around the room and locked the door.

"You really thought he was good?" He asked turning to her - who was on his bed right where he dropped her.

She huffed fixing her glasses as they started to fall, ran a hand through her hair as she nodded smirking.

"Oh yeah. Merlin, I can go into detail about exactly what he did. He first kissed me, then slowly he took my tie off, then my shirt..." She paused noticing how after each word his jaw clenched so hard that she thought his teeth would break.

"Oh and all the things he did to me with his-" She didn't get to finish before Regulus interrupted her.

"Shut up." He put his hand on her mouth shutting her up immediately as she couldn't get rid of the grin on her face. "He was good, huh? Well guess what? I'm better."

"Oh yeah? Show me." She retorted. She immediately cursed her big mouth and her urge to fight back with words. Dam James for teaching her to be this way.

"Oh you're going to regret that" He said already eyeing her body.

Without even giving her a chance to reply he kissed her. She froze as she was caught of gaurd, but slowly started to kiss him back. He pushed her back on the bed while still remaining on top of her. He started to take her robes of without breaking the kiss as she started to undo his tie.




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