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Grace woke up feeling a lot better than before. After the prank Regulus' friends had pulled on them - specifically Barty - Regulus had dried them off and let her sleep longer in his bed. She finally woke up at around lunch and started to panic, considering that she had missed her morning classes.

Grace looked around, noticing that she was alone in the dorm and smiled slightly when she noticed a yellow tulip and an origami on the side table besides her. She knew who they were from, of course. She put the origami and tulip in her robe pocket and decided to read the note later since she was already very late.

She immediately rushed to get ready in her boyfriends dorm room, putting on a uniform, then a tie and her shoes. She didn't even bother checking herself once in the mirror as she rushed out of the door, left the Slytherin common room quietly and went to lunch. She sat down at the Hufflepuff table besides Dorcas and Cleo, who went quiet and looked at her weirdly. Some more students quieted down and started staring at her which made her a bit uncomfortable.

"What?" Grace finally asked quietly while looking at her two friends.

"Babes, last we checked, you were a Hufflepuff." Dorcas said as Cleo nodded and pointed at her uniform. Grace looked down, still confused and her eyes widened when she saw that she was wearing Regulus' Slytherin tie. She blushed and quickly took it off, putting it in the pocket of her robes.

"Let's just forget that happened." Grace said and looked down at her food, starting to eat. She hadn't had anything since last night and she was starving.

Cleo and Dorcas shared a knowing look as Grace ate as quickly as possible. Cleo was the one to break the temporary silence. "Are you alright? You missed your classes this morning and didn't come back to the dorm."

Grace paused, knowing that she'd probably worried her friends with her absence without saying a word as to where she might be.

"I'm fine. I just stayed with Regulus after a small arguement with James. I also overslept... Do you have the notes for potions? I swear if I fail another potions exam, Slughorn is going to owl mom and dad." Grace said with a small frown. If there was one subject she despised, it was potions. She could never understand it and it was a pain.

"We might've ditched..." Dorcas said sheepishly with a shrug. "Sorry, it was the perfect time for a prank and you know our prank wars with your brother and his friends."

Grace sighed, she did know about the prank wars but she had completely forgotten about them.

"It's alright, I'll catch up." Grace said with a small smile, trying to stay positive as she quickly finished her lunch and left the Great Hall. She turned a corridor and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I didn't watch where I was-" She cut herself off when she looked up and noticed Barty standing in front of her. "Oh Barty! Hi."

Grace wasn't angry at Barty for the prank, although it did disturb her sleep after a bad day. She couldn't stay angry which she found was a massive problem for her.

"Potter." Barty nodded and looked around nervously before sighing and looking down at his friends girlfriend. "Look, about the prank.... I- I..." Barty struggled to form the right words, not used to apologising to anyone but he knew that Regulus would probably kill him if he didn't.

"I'm sorry." Barty said, though it sounded forced. He immediately had a sour expression on his face and shoved a rose in her hand roughly before walking away.

Grace watched Barty hastily walk away, completely confused. Barty didn't apologise.... To anyone. She then looked down at the rose, relieved that the throne were cut off so she hadn't gotten any cuts. She was still confused as to what exactly happened but decided to not think too much of it.

She held the rose and tried to find her boyfriend, hoping that maybe he'd know what's up with Barty. She didn't even bother attending the rest of her classes for the day, deciding to tell the teachers that she wasn't feeling well.

Grace finally found Regulus in the library. She smiled and sat beside him. Regulus, knowing instantly that it was Grace, smiled and kissed her cheek in greeting.

"What brings you here, mon âme? Sleep well?" He asked softly, leaving his work for the time being and just looking at her. His eyes then flicked to the red rose in her hand and he frowned. "Did you get yourself a rose? Or did someone give you a rose? Did you get the flower I left for you?"

"Gee, one at a time." Grace said teasingly and twirled the rose around in her fingers, already sensing her boyfriends jealousy. "One: I was looking for you. Two: Yes, I slept well, thank you very much. Three: No, I didn't get myself a rose. Four: Yes, someone gave me a rose. And finally, five: Yes, I got the flower you left for me."

She smiled a bit when she noticed Regulus tense when she said someone gave her a rose. However, she quickly decided to tell him before he lost his cool. "Do you know why Barty randomly apologised to me and gave me a rose before quickly running off?"

Regulus seemed to immediately relax at her words and smiled. "Probably for the prank he pulled on us this morning." He said, trying to hide his smirk as he looked back at his work.

Grace frowned and eyed her boyfriend suspiciously. "What did you do? Barty never apologises. To anyone!"

Her boyfriend merely shrugged, unable to hide his amusement. "I just told him that he needed to apologise. That's all."

Grace huffed, not believing him. Finally though, she let him do his work as she finally pulled out the origami fox he left her. She opened the origami and recognised his elegant cursive writing.

Hope you slept well, mon âme. I just wanted to let you know that you can stay in bed all day if you like. I'll get you all the notes for your classes today, don't you worry. They'll be arranged and on your desk by tonight. Rest and do not worry. You need to take care of yourself.

- R.A.B

She smiled and looked at her boyfriend beside her and looked at him lovingly. She couldn't believe how lucky she had gotten. She then took out the tulip from her robes pocket and smelled it. It was perfect.

AN: Hello everyone!! Hope you like this chapter and I'm so very sorry for disappearing for so long.

QOTD: Did you drink enough water today? If not, here's your reminder.

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