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Grace was tense the last two days of her winter vacation. She couldn't even enjoy Christmas properly but she put on a fake smile and pretended everything was okay for the sake of her family.

When it was finally time to go back to Hogwarts, she was overjoyed. She had to see Regulus. She had to see for herself if he was truly fine or not.

In the last letter Regulus had sent to her, he simply said to meet at their place the moment they got to Hogwarts. She, of course, didn't mind and would do exactly that.

Once more, she was at the platform with James. Her parents hadn't come with them this time due to the fact that they had fallen sick. Their house elf, Missy, was watching over them while James and Grace attended Hogwarts. The two Potter siblings and Sirius were hesitant about leaving their parents but they had no choice.

So, after much hesitation and 'get well soon's and take care of yourselves', they finally left for Kings cross.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" Grace asked James as they walked onto the platform. "Will they get better?"

"Yeah, of course they will! They're the strongest people we know!" James reassured his younger sister and gave her a comforting hug, leaving a kiss on the top of her head.

Grace nodded and hugged her brother back.

They then heard Remus and Peter shouting and running towards them. The Potter siblings pulled away from each other and greeted their friends with smiles on their faces.

"Where's Effie? And Monty?" Peter asked, noticing that Fleamont and Euphemia Potter weren't here to drop the three dark haired teenagers off like they've always done.

"They're sick..." Sirius said, trailing off without elaborating much.

"What happened? Is it bad? They'll be okay right?" Remus questioned, worried for his friends and their parents.

James, Sirius and Grace assured the duo that Monty and Effie were completely fine and that it was just a fever that'll pass over time.

Remus and Peter were hesitant to believe this but they eventually accepted the responses and didn't press the matter further.

"So I got a girlfriend." Remus said later on in the train and the other three boys along with Grace sat up straighter and looked at the scarred boy in shock.

"What in Merlin's beard?"

"Bloody hell Moony! When did this happen?"

"Why didn't you tell us lad?"

"Who is she?"

The group bombarded Remus with so many question and statements that he couldn't keep up.

"It's... Amaya." He finally answered with a bit of hesitation.

"What?" Grace asked in shock. "Amaya Nott?"

Remus nodded and looked at the group nervously. He awaited their reactions since they all seemed to be frozen in time.

"Well since we're dropping major bombs like that, I might as well say it." Sirius muttered, still in a bit of a trance from what he heard. "Elara and I are dating too."

This time everyone turned to look at Sirius in shock. But before anyone could properly react, Peter spoke up.

"Cleo and I are officially together too." He said, raising his hand awkwardly.

"Lily and I are thinking of marriage." James blurted out and the group sat their job shock as they processed everything the other told them.

"Well that was aot of information to get in a minute." Grace muttered and sat back in her seat in shock while trying to process everything.

The four boys turned to look at her as if awaiting for her to drop some major bomb that they didn't know about.

Grace just looked at them and frowned. "Well don't look at me, I got nothing!" She finally replied, raising her hands in an 'I surrender' pose.

The group then burst out laughing and talked about every single news that got revealed the rest of the way to Hogwarts. For a moment, Grace had forgotten about her worry and the dark lord and his hocruxes and just everything. She was happy and enjoying this spectacular moment with her friends.

"What do you think Gracie?" James asked, turning to her. "Do I do it? Do I ask Lily to marry me?"

James looked so nervous as he awaited his sister's approval. He knew that he needed to know what she thought about this whole thing before actually going through with it.

"I love the idea! You should do it!" Gracie exclaimed and that made James relax as he grinned and hugged her. The siblings hugged, enjoying the moment between them.

"While we're on the topic of marriage..." Grace started and James pulled back to look at her in shock.

"Please tell me you're not marrying Regulus. You're too young and he didn't ask me, or mom, or dad and I don't like it. He can't take my baby sister away. I swear to Merlin if he asked you already, I will hex the buttocks out of him!" James ranted and Grace immediately blushed, getting embarrassed.

"Will you shut up?" Grace said and James on the shoulder in between each word. "I was going to ask you when you're planning on marrying her!"

"Oh..." James muttered and grinned sheepishly. "A month after we graduate."

Grace nodded and smiled at her brother. "I'm happy for you Jamie."

"Don't call me that and thanks." James said, shoving her which caused her to glare at him.

Grace laughed and shoved her older brother back as they started play fighting. The compartment was filled with laughter and joy. However, it wouldn't last for long.

Soon, Grace bid the boys goodbye and went to look for Cleo and Dorcas. Her two best friends. She found them sitting in a compartment with the rest of the girls, except for Lily. Lily was gone for head girl duty and so was James by now. No one knew how James got headboy but no one seemed to complain either. Well, except for Snap and a few selected others.

Grace spent the rest of the train ride gossiping with the girls.

Marlene and Dorcas told everyone about how happy they were together and their plans for what they'd do after graduating their final year of Hogwarts. Lily told everyone about hers and James' plan to get married. Cleo told them about her and Peter were finally together but they didn't want to get married just yet. Alice told everyone about how her and Frank were also getting married right after graduation. Mary told everyone about how her and Diego started dating and how she'd like to spend the rest of her life with him. They'd gotten a lot closer over the vacations and would meet up often to go on dates and just hang out.

Mary hadn't told him about being a witch just yet but she said that she wanted to do it soon. When she was sure that he was the one.

Finally, Grace told everyone about her and Regulus. She told them how she loved him and that she has also been thinking about spending the rest of her life with him. From the looks on everyone's faces, she could tell that they weren't the happiest. They told her that there was a chance that he could be working for the dark lord and that they didn't want her getting hurt.

Of course, Grace listened but defended Regulus everytime something negative was said about him. Eventually, her friends caved when she convinced them that she love him. Alice and Cleo were the first to hug her and tell her that they'd support the younger girl no  matter what. This action was followed by the rest in the compartment as well.

AN: Sorry for being gone for so long but here's another chapter!!!

Strap in because things are about to take a turn. For the better? Probably not. For the worse? Absolutely.

QOTD: Would you be okay if I killed off James and Lily?

I mean, we do still need to follow the original story line if there is to be a sequel, no?

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