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It was again another full moon and Gracie couldn't sleep. She sighed and got out of bed, grabbing her shawl, slippers, red teddy and glasses like she usually does, and made her way out the dorm. She wrapped the green wool around herself as she snuck to the Gryffindor common room, but when she got to her brother's dorm, he wasn't there.

She frowned and looked around to see that Sirius, Remus and Peter were also missing. She huffed. Grave couldn't believe this! They were gone again. It happened quite a lot, at least once a month. It was strange. She looked out the window at the full moon and the 6th year girl frowned when she noticed 3 figures walking towards the whomping willow.

She couldn't believe her eyes. Immediately, she left her blanket and rushed out towards the whomping willow while clutching her teddy tightly. Maybe it was the same people she saw last year? She wasn't sure, but she wanted to find out.

She froze a few feet behind, hiding behind some bushes as the branches of the deadly tree froze and the figures disappeared. It was like déjà vu. Same time as before, on a full moon, exact same scene on the same night her brother and his roommates are missing. This couldn't be a coincidence. It had to be them. She knew who. She just had to figure out the why. One of them could be a werewolf, she thought. But who? Her eyes widened as she remembered all of Remus' scars that he had. Every month new ones would appear. How bad she not noticed before?

But if Remus was the warewolf, where were her brother and two friends going and why? They wouldn't be able to survive due to the fact that they were human. Finally wanting answers, the young Potter girl ran towards the whomping willow while it was frozen and found the small gap where the figures had disappeared into. Startled when the branches started to move again, she fell inside.

She groaned as she sat up and looked around, realising that this place looked familiar. After a moment, she realised that it was the shrieking shack. Grace had no idea that the whomping willow led to the shrieking shack. However, the shrieking mystery was solved when she heard a howl. Remus, she thought.

Her panic and worry kicking in, she immediately ran up the stairs, worried for her brother and his goofball friends. However, right before she could open the door, a huge wolf came out and jumped on her, growling and trying to bite her. She screamed when she felt it scratch her stomach and tried to push it off.

Those few minutes felt like a lifetime as she saw a deer, with a rat on its head, use it's antlers to push the wolf off of her. The wolf hit the back of the shack as a black dog jumped on it, growling and keeping it in place. The last thing she said before passing out was the deer and rat turning into her brother and friend - Peter.

"No, no, no. Stay with me Gracie. Stay with me. Just a while longer. Keep your eyes open for me, please." Her brother pleaded as she drifted in and out of conciseness. Peter, the one who was the rat, immediately ran down the stairs and out the tree to stun it, as per James' instructions. The worried Potter boy picked up his sister in his arms and ran out of the shack, towards the school with his now unconscious sister. She was bleeding uncontrollably as he rushed to the medical wing, tears stinging his eyes at the fear of losing his sister.

He didn't blame Remus for what happened, he would never. It wasn't his fault. Remus wasn't in the right state of mind, James reminded himself.

The following morning, Grace woke up in the medical wing, all stitched up by madam Pomfrey. On the chair by her bed was her brother who was sleeping. He even had his glasses on. She tiredly looked to the scarred boy on the bed next to her. Her memories from the previous night came rushing back as she remembered everything: Remus being a werewolf, her brother and two friends being animagi, Remus attacking her, and James voice right before she passed out.

When Remus noticed that Grace was finally awake, his face was filled with pain and guilt. Grace couldn't even sit up die to the severity of the wound and Remus guessed that as he watched his friend laying on a hospital bed, injured because of him. He put her in the medical wing and he hated it.

"Gracie..." His voice sounded so weak, so broken as he watched her with glassy eyes. He never meant for this to happen. "I- I am so, so sorry. I'm sorry. Merlin, I'm so fucking sorry."

Grace watched as her friend repeatedly apologised to her and she offered a weak, reassuring smile. "It's okay." She whispered, her voice soft. She didn't want him to blame himself. She didn't blame him either. He wasn't in the right state of mind and it was an accident, she kept reminding herself in her head. "I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt that bad." She continued. What she said wasn't entirely true. It hurt like hell. But she really didn't want Remus to worry. She knew how he was. He wouldn't stop apologising or worrying and he'd blame himself even though he couldn't have controlled it.

Before Remus could respond, James woke up. The moment he saw his little sister awake, he got up and hugged her. Once he was done making sure she was still alive and her bandages were intact after Pomfrey gave her medicine for the pain as she magically healed the wound as much as she could. Of course that would mean that now Grace was stuck in bed for a week.

James then sighed in relief and flicked Grace's forehead. The younger girl frowned and rubbed her forehead and muttering under her breath, "Ow. That hurt."

"What in Merlin's name were you thinking?" James said, slightly loud as he looked expectantly at his sister.

"I couldn't sleep! So I went to your dorm and you weren't there. That's when I saw you and Sirius and Peter walking to the Whomping willow just like last year on a full moon. So I followed." She said defensively and shrugged as if it was obvious. James, however, was not amused. He shook his head and looked at his sister who was on bed, unable to move much due to the severity of the wounds. Maybe now wouldn't be the best time to hit her on the head and give her a long lecture, he thought.

"As if that's good reasoning. You know, in horror movies when someone usually sees something risky, they're supposed to go the other way so they don't get killed." Her brother said with a huff and sighed as he sat back on his seat.

"Yeah, but they don't, now do they?" His sister retorted and offered Remus a reassuring smile before going back to arguing with her brother.

"Putain d'enfer." (translation: fucking hell) James muttered under his breath, cursing in French. "You're not in a fricking horror movie!"

"Neither are you. What're you doing, turning into animals once a month and spending the night in some creepy ass shack? Not like you're performing some sort of ritual, are you?" Grace said back and crossed her arms as she huffed and relaxed on the bed. She continued as she said to herself, "You know, I always knew you guys acted like animals, never thought that you'd actually be one."

"Remus, if anything happens to her again, just know that it's not your fault." James said to his friend while glaring daggers at his sister.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it-" Remus started but was interrupted by Grace saying that she meant it completely. Remus sighed and looked at the pair of siblings arguing and plotting ways to kill each other while one of them was literally badly injured and bed ridden - because of him nonetheless.

"Gracie I am so damn sorry." The brunette muttered again, unable to help but feel guilty as he looked at the girl who had become like his own sister.

"Remus it's alright. It's really not that bad. Pomfrey stitched me back up." She said reassuringly.

Remus, being himself, still didn't believe her as he continued to apologise and even offered his stash of chocolate to her which he was almost out of. He knew that he would need to make it up to her. But not only that, he needed to make sure that he didn't pass his curse onto the sweet girl on the bed beside him.

AN: Hope you guys like this chapter!!! I do apologise for the slow updates but school has been keeping me busy :(

Reminder to drink enough water!!

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