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Grace and James Potter felt like their summer break couldn't come soon enough. They wanted 6th year to end. Why, you ask? Well, it was because, barely two months ago, the Potter siblings received a letter from their parents. Turns out, Mr and Mrs Potter had unfortunately caught Dragonpox. A dangerous illness which can be deadly to older wizards.

The fact that the Potter parents were well over their 50s didn't help. The siblings worried and wanted to go back home to their parents but of course, Euphemia Potter being the mother that she is, forbade them from coming home until their break. She didn't want them worrying and missing their schooling. It was James' last year and Grace's 6th year. Euphemia and Fleamont Potter wanted their children to focus on their education, not be busy worrying about their parents.

So, unwillingly, Grace and James stayed at Hogwarts but they weren't their usual happy selves. The whole of Hogwarts could tell. Things were different. Not just because of the Potter parents getting Dragonpox, but also because of how fast He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was rising. Dark wizards were now barging into people's homes and murdering the families of the children who went to Hogwarts. Just last month Marlene McKinnon had received news of her family's death.

The poor young blonde was heartbroken and her friends could do nothing but be there for her and comfort her. One by one, students started recieving news that their family was dead. The dark wizards were rising and they were rising fast. Above each house of the murdered families was a glowing green snake. The symbol of Voldemort. A name feared by every witch and wizard in the world.

A name so well known and surrounded by dark magic that people were afraid to even say his name out loud. They feared that if they said his name out loud, Voldemort himself would show up and kill them in the flesh.

Grace sat at the Hufflepuff table in the great hall, playing with her food since she wasn't in the mood to eat. The whole atmosphere at Hogwarts was gloomy. Everyone was upset and hyper aware. They were all afraid of what was happening outside the schools walls. And so was she. Grace was scared and worried. Her parents were home alone, sick. And she and her brother couldn't even go to check on them. They weren't even sure how bad it actually was since their mother kept saying that they'd be okay in her letters. It didn't slip the siblings notice how their father hasn't written to them. They worried and their friends tried to get them to ease up. Even Lily and Regulus couldn't get the siblings to relax.

After breakfast, which she didn't even have, Grace skipped class as a bad feeling began to fill her mind. Something was wrong and she knew it. Something happened. She immediately rushed to Dumbledore's office and turns out that James had the same thought. Because there was her brother, right outside of Dumbledore's office, knocking on the door with a look of panic.

"James?" She asked and immediately rushed to her brother. She hugged him, knowing that he had a bad feeling too. Now she knew that something for sure happened. This couldn't be a coincidence.

"Grace. I- something's wrong. I can feel it. I think it's mum and dad." He muttered, hugging his younger sister back. Grace fought the tears fighting to break free and nodded, knowing how her brother felt because that's exactly how she was feeling. Her chest tightened and her heart raced as Dumbledore finally opened the door.

"Oh dear. What are you children doing here? Shouldn't you be with Slughorn and McGonagall?" He asked, stroking his beard as he looked at the siblings standing before him.

"Professor. Something is wrong. Please. We need to go home." James said, looking up at the professor with pleading eyes and it looked like they were filled with unshed tears.

Grace nodded, giving the professor a pleading look. "Please Professor."

The headmaster sighed and shook his head as he looked at the siblings with a sad look. "I'm sorry, my dear children. But I can not let that happen. No one is to leave Hogwarts. It is simply not safe. You're safe here, don't worry."

"But professor-" Grace started but stopped when Dumbledore held up his hand, silencing her.

"Professor, please. We need to see them. Something-" James was also interrupted by the headmaster and both siblings exchanged a broken look. This wouldn't end well.

"I'm sorry children. No one is leaving Hogwarts till the end of your school year. Do not fret. Everything is fine. You're safe here." He said so confidently, as if he actually believed those words. Grace couldn't believe it. She thought that he was supposed to help? Isn't that what he was here for?

Grace's heart broke as she heard this words and it looked like her brother's did as well. This couldn't be right. Something was wrong and he wasn't listening! Why couldn't he just listen and help? Grace's thoughts spiraled. Something bad was going to happen. Something really bad. And it wouldn't just be her parents that got hurt in the process. It would be a lot of people. People she loved. She knew it. Something inside her was telling her that it just wasn't right. She needed to get home. She needed to do something. And clearly, Dumbledore wasn't about to help her.

A week later, the Potter siblings got the most dreadful news. They were orphans now. Grace hated herself for not arguing further. She should've insisted. She should've snuck out. This couldn't be happening.

She was utterly broken. That night, the Potter siblings slept in the Room of Requirements together. They didn't want to see anyone. Everything hurt and they blamed themselves for what happened.

Everyone tried to cheer them up. Regulus, Lily, the rest of their friends. Nothing worked. They were consumed by guilt and pain. Everything hurt. It was the type of pain that they never thought they could feel.

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